Search results

  1. NonstickRon

    White Speckles On Fish

    For ich I've had great success just adding salt and raising temp slowly to about 90 degrees and leaving it there for a couple weeks. I've no idea what treats columnaris though.
  2. NonstickRon

    Neon Tetra Disease

    Bought Jungle Anti-Bacteria Medicated food, API E.M. Erythromyscin (antibiotic), and aquarium salt in case of secondary ich infection.
  3. NonstickRon

    Neon Tetra Disease

    I've got black flourite sand as my substrate. I try to vac up what poo I can by swishing the siphon around.
  4. NonstickRon

    Neon Tetra Disease

    And I guess I just cross my fingers and hope theres nothing lingering in my main tank and keep up water changes?
  5. NonstickRon

    Neon Tetra Disease

    Well after much cursing and teeth gnashing, and a 2 liter bottle quickly made into a trap, I've managed to catch 4 of the 6 neons. One of them has shown the same discoloration since I got it sometime around thanksgiving. I'll try some more tomorrow night to catch the other two. I'll leave the...
  6. NonstickRon

    Neon Tetra Disease

    Well, thanks for diagnosing the angelfish. Thats a big big help, she is currently the only inhabitant of my 10gallon hospital tank. As far as anti-biotics, what about penicillin? I know a local fish store that sells it. All I've currently got on hand is Melafix. Is this "flesh eating...
  7. NonstickRon

    Neon Tetra Disease

    I'm kinda bummed, hadn't lost a fish in a good while now, thought I was doing good. Ok, so yeah. Got this Neon Tetra Disease in my tank. Long story short, I was browsing diagnosis sites tonight and I found a photo of exactly what my neons have...
  8. NonstickRon

    As A Spin Off From The Oldie Members Question

    Further fragmenting the user base is a bad idea. Most people only use a few of the channels, whichever takes their particular interest. There's only so much time in the day to dedicate to foruming. Getting the best and brightest all looking elsewhere doesn't seem to offer any real benefit...
  9. NonstickRon

    Mystery Sickness?

    Neon looks the same today. Did a 30% water change and put charcoal in the canister.
  10. NonstickRon

    Would You Buy A Solitary Schooling Fish If...

    Thats kinda how I feel too Colin. I was wondering what people thought cause I wasn't sure how many julii cory's the local shop had, and he doesn't always get stuff back in again when he sells out of something since his shop is kinda small. I lucked out though and he had 2 in one tank and 2 in...
  11. NonstickRon

    Would You Buy A Solitary Schooling Fish If...

    If you went to a petstore and they had a type of fish you were looking for, but it was a shoaling/schooling fish and they only had one of them...would you buy it if it looked healthy? It's as alone in the fish store as it would be in your tank unless you found another one somewhere else or...
  12. NonstickRon

    Mystery Sickness?

    Lowered the temp gradually to 79, I'll lower it a bit more tonight. The corys were dark again last night when I went home, i did the third clout dosage. This morning they were pale again. I think they'll be fine, I'll do a large water change this evening. The patch on the side of the black...
  13. NonstickRon

    Mystery Sickness?

    Well, treating for parasites now... I'll try the flashlight thing tonight. I put my flashlight battery on to charge just for that reason this morning. I've got a 6 inch bubble stone and a 15 inch bubble strip going 24/7 and my filter's return is a spraybar I have set to roil the water up...
  14. NonstickRon

    Mystery Sickness?

    They'd darkened back up some over the course of the day, but Corys and tetras were all very pale again when I turned on the light this morning. I'm guessing they're reacting to the Clout. That one flame tetra was being chewed on by some of my other fish, I disposed of what was left. The black...
  15. NonstickRon

    Mystery Sickness?

    Yes last night, the 18th, I added 1 large tablet to my tank. He said the first dose should be a double dose and then cut the tablets in half and use 1 half the next two days. I also added all the salt I had left, which was about 15 tablespoons. This morning I noticed my cory cats looking...
  16. NonstickRon

    Mystery Sickness?

    I feed New Life Spectrum which is pretty much the same color.
  17. NonstickRon

    Mystery Sickness?

    Only fish I ever actually SEE pooping is the angelfish, and it looks reddish brown when they do. My angels are white, the poopholes are pinkish. Havn't seen any significantly bent spines, no. I don't think anybodies belly looks "sunken" either really. Is there a better way to inspect fish...
  18. NonstickRon

    Mystery Sickness?

    No rubbing. Well, not none...but not much. I have to watch the tank for a good while before I see anybody do it. Thinking back, the Rams i had die looked thin...but the other fish didn't, maybe I just couldn't tell. The Flame tetras seem to fade, lose their color a day or two before they...
  19. NonstickRon

    Mystery Sickness?

    Well unfortunately, its either that or just watch the rest of my fish die. :sad: No holes in heads. Although looking at my fishes that are left, I'm guessing the next one to go will be one of the flame tetras, its starting to look a bit thin.
  20. NonstickRon

    Mystery Sickness?

    Stopped by the place I think my problems originated from today and asked him what he does for gill flukes. He said he doesn't think it's gill flukes and that its probably hex. Either way he sold me some HUGE tablets of clout. 3 tablets meant for 100 gallons each, I'll have to split them up...
  21. NonstickRon

    At A Total Loss

    I'm no expert. First result turned out by google when I searched "Pimafix" might answer some of your questions.
  22. NonstickRon

    At A Total Loss

    Did you ever get that other medication? I believe Wilder did say Pimafix wasn't going to help you by itself.
  23. NonstickRon

    Ah Bummer...

    Well, technically its supposed to work like that. Somehow water got inside of this one and made it malfunction.
  24. NonstickRon

    Ah Bummer...

    Did 2 30% water changes and cleaned out the corpses and rinsed out the filter. Water is looking pretty cloudy...I expect some spikes from the decomposing fish bits that's dissolved in the water. I'll do more water changes tomorrow morning. The serpae tetras I'm not going to miss that much...
  25. NonstickRon

    Ah Bummer...

    Looks like theres some moisture INside the heater tube. :-\
  26. NonstickRon

    Ah Bummer...

    My 7 gallon tank looked like fish stew this morning when I got here. Jaws the Great White Angelfish was still in there so I assumed he killed everybody on a weekend rampage...but then I noticed the temp. 96 degrees. No wonder. I checked the heater I had put in there last week and it is set...
  27. NonstickRon

    At A Total Loss

    What kind of substrate? If it is sand and you havn't stirred the sand up before, and then you stirred it all up while planting, you may have released ickies into the water when you did. (don't know the exact name for what happens but I know its bad)
  28. NonstickRon

    Mystery Sickness?

    Checked every fish store in town, best I could find was some Quick Cure and Jungle Parasite Clear. I'll keep this posted.
  29. NonstickRon

    Mystery Sickness?

    Hmm.. Found this article on gill flukes. Seems that just about every gill fluke treatment is going to be hit or miss. The one they recommend the most I have no idea how to get my hands on. I'll do more reading.
  30. NonstickRon

    Mystery Sickness?

    Thanks. I thought I was doing good with the lifeguard, it lists flukes along with every other fish sickness I know about. I'll try and find something more specific as you suggest.
  31. NonstickRon

    Mystery Sickness?

    Request Help Tank size: 55g pH: 7.8 ammonia:0 nitrite:0 nitrate:10 kH:? gH:? tank temp:86F Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): This is the issue, I'm not seeing any syptoms. Fish are dying on me and I can't see anything wrong with them...
  32. NonstickRon

    I Need Some Help.

    Yeah...I know. Im a sucker for crusty ol'guys and their stories though. Can't help but trust them. I'm going to try to return them this weekend, trade them for some pretty juvenile angelfish he had.
  33. NonstickRon

    I Need Some Help.

    Ok, I have a 55 with: 5 long-fin leopard danios, 7 flame tetra, 4 harlequin rasboras, 1 pair long finned GBR, 1 bolivian ram, 1 female GBR, bristle nose pleco, siamese algae eater, 2 peppered cory, 2 emerald cory, ivory mystery snail, blue mystery snail The issue: I have fish-farm nearby for...
  34. NonstickRon

    If I Get Rid Of Angels Wat Else Cud I Get?

    Oscars and Angels?! Seriously, an Arowana?! This has got to be a troll.
  35. NonstickRon

    A Good Size For A Quarantine/hospital Tank

    I was curious about this myself now that I have a free 10 gallon. Here are some more questions to expand on this topic: Is it good to keep something in a quarantine tank to keep the cycle up? Like what? Guppies? Platys? Just a bunch of snails and shrimp? Is it ok to just dry-store a tank...
  36. NonstickRon

    Photos Of My 55 Gallon.

    Wiat...Doesn't that make this one a female?
  37. NonstickRon

    Photos Of My 55 Gallon.

    No, came that way. They were in a tank with about 10 more GBRs, guessing all or mostly males, about 6 discus and about 10 angels. The tank was very large but had no caves to speak of, although it had a lot of tall sword plants.
  38. NonstickRon

    Photos Of My 55 Gallon.

    Ah, ok. I thought the two long finned ones were different because one has a much more pronounced black line over its eyes, and the back edge of its dorsal fin is much pointier than the other one..although its front few dorsal rays are shorter than the one with the rounded trailing end and...
  39. NonstickRon

    Photos Of My 55 Gallon.

    Thanks. I have a coconut I'mm going to saw in half this weekend to make a couple caves out of. Definitely need more of those, right now everybody takes turns in the cave created by the two stacked pieces of wood. I'd like more driftwood...something tall. I'd like a few more plants too, maybe...
  40. NonstickRon

    Photos Of My 55 Gallon. With the GBR and the Long-finned GBRs, I can't figure out which are males and which are females. The coolest part so far is that the little regular blue ram is like way smaller than all the other ones but is just as bold...chasing the...