Mystery Sickness?

You say the poo is a reddish brown do you feed bloodworms or any coloured foods that are red.
Have you added the clout.
Have you added the clout.

Yes last night, the 18th, I added 1 large tablet to my tank. He said the first dose should be a double dose and then cut the tablets in half and use 1 half the next two days. I also added all the salt I had left, which was about 15 tablespoons.

This morning I noticed my cory cats looking very pale. I have an emerald and two peppered cory cats and black sand substrate so they're normally very dark. They were VERY pale this morning. This evening, I noticed the one flame tetra that was in bad shape yesterday is looking even worse today, gasping constantly and emaciated.

One of the black neon tetras that were my last aquisition, has a new devopement. On its rear side flank there is a patch of light tan wierdness where its scales should be. I can't tell if its ON the scales or in between them or if the scales are just gone there. First time I've seen this particular symptom. Wait, it just occured to me that tetras don't even have scales.

I have some Melafix but I'm worried about adding treatment on top of treatment. I don't know if these new devepements are additional symptoms or reactions to the Clout.

Please Advise.
They'd darkened back up some over the course of the day, but Corys and tetras were all very pale again when I turned on the light this morning. I'm guessing they're reacting to the Clout.

That one flame tetra was being chewed on by some of my other fish, I disposed of what was left. The black neon with the wierd patch on its flank was swimming it the top back corner by itself, I tried to catch it but it evaded me and hid in the plants. I looked through that website with the fish diseases and didn't see any photos that looked like whats wrong with that fish.
The corys would not have liked the salt, that may have caused them to lose colour. Sorry cant help with the rest I will leave that to Wilder, but I hope you get it sorted soon.
Could I just add that I think your tank temp is rather high - usual tank temp is between 76 - 80 degrees - you state that yours is 86 degrees. This may be contributing to your tank problems and ill-health in the fish.

I wonder if anyone else has any thoughts on this as I've always kept my tank temps at about 78 degrees so not sure what it would do to the fish if the temp was raised significantly. I was told not to go over 80 degrees unless treating for white spot disease.

Regards - Athena
Have you dosed the tank with all the fish in as with corys you are meant to only half dose with parasites meds.
Some fish can't tolerate the full dose.
Have you increased aeration the in tank as med reduce 02 in the water.
I would lower your temp gradually.
The tan on the fish is its body producing more slime.
Switch tank lights out and shine a torch on the fish to see if the tan area shines up a golden colour.
The tan on the fish does it look like a rusty golden varnish.
The fish that are thin are they still eating.
Fish that look wasted away can be internal parasites, fish tb, old age. Some external parasites can make fish lose weight.
Well, treating for parasites now...

I'll try the flashlight thing tonight. I put my flashlight battery on to charge just for that reason this morning. I've got a 6 inch bubble stone and a 15 inch bubble strip going 24/7 and my filter's return is a spraybar I have set to roil the water up some. I'll try lowering the temp. I had raised it when i got ick and just left it there to keep it from coming back.

Yes I dosed the whole tank. I wasn't sure who was infected and who wasn't. Corys seem ok except for losing their pigmentation temporarily.

That emaciated fish was no longer eating, not sure for how long.

Not sure on the color, I'll update tonight.

Q: I was reading Melafix is safe to add with just about any other medication. Should I add some to help buffer against the Clout?

Q: Today would be the third/final clout dosage...considering doing a big water change tonight prior to adding the final dose. Will I need to do another 3 day regimen in a few days?

Q: How can I know if it's FishTB? Can humans catch it from fish?
Wouldn't worry about fish tb just with saying one fish went really thin. But if he wasn't eating he will lose weight.
Once whitespot has gone you lower the temp gradually back down.
High temps can cause stress and also bacteria mulitplys fast at higher temp.
When a fish is pale in colour it means it stressed.
How are the corys make sure they are not heavy breathing with the med.
Also don't bother with the melafix is only good on cuts and wounds and thats it.
The corys are not coping to well with the parasite med and adding melafix could finish them off.

For humans to catch fish tb would have to be exposed to it along time.
If you have cuts and wounds it can gain entry. So if you ever suspect tb in your tank wear gloves.
People who are more prone to fish tb are those who have a weak immune system who can't fight desease off.
Lowered the temp gradually to 79, I'll lower it a bit more tonight. The corys were dark again last night when I went home, i did the third clout dosage. This morning they were pale again. I think they'll be fine, I'll do a large water change this evening.

The patch on the side of the black neon didn't really look gold, was more greyish...could be wrong, it was hard to get a look at it as the fish was running like mad from the flashlight. However it has shrunk, its more of a verticle stripe now than a patch.
Greyish patches can be paraistes so if its improving thats good news.
That was quick.
Did you run the full course.

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