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    Feeding Veg To My Pleco

    My plec loves courgette too as do the loach and snails
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    How Do I Upload Videos?

    Get the m to join FHG :D
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    How Many Fish?

    I am currently getting rid of ich and had a few casualties. I am not planning on adding more fish for a while but was just wandering how many fish you could typically stock in a 200 litre tank? I know it will depend on the size and type of fish stocked etc, but just looking for a general rule...
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    Noisy Air Pumps

    I have suspended mine using some string, doesn't look pretty but it is hidden and is almost silent
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    Dyed Fish Sales Not Being Outlawed In Uk

    Hello everyone, new on here, so here to say hello and to confirm I have e-mailed the letter to, its a discusting practise and should definately be banned
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    White Spot Help

    Thanks for that too will have a good read :good:
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    White Spot Help

    Thankyou for your time and help I will keep my fingers crossed and start the next treatment on Saturday
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    White Spot Help

    Just looking at the 2 remaining they look like they are acting fairly normally, they are rubbing occasionally against decorations etc but I know that is normal when they have ich. They do not look as though their breathing is laboured at the moment. I was going to ask about a second course of...
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    White Spot Help

    Sorry forgot to put all that in tank size 200litres 1x pleco 2x black mollies 2x glowlight tetras 3x harlequins 2x clown loach 3x Angel fish 2x swordtails 1x platy Ammonia reading 0 nitrate/nitrite both around 0 Ph 7.2 Temp has been raised to 30 oc and I have a air stone in place I am also...
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    White Spot Help

    Hi peeps, I am new here so hope I am posting in the right place. I have been treating my tank for ich and I am due to give the last dose of treatment in 2 days time. The problem is my clown loach seem to be really suffering (I have lost 2 today in a short period of time) the other 2 I have are...