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  1. Lenna

    Help! My Synodontis Eupterus

    I do, I'm a scientist and have access to them. I'm using them at concentrations described on fish medications.
  2. Lenna

    Help! My Synodontis Eupterus

    Thanks, I hadn't noticed that :blush:
  3. Lenna

    Help! My Synodontis Eupterus

    Tetracycline is active against Gram positive and negative bacteria, but there are plenty of bacteria that are resistant to it. Same goes for the others, though they are more specific (gentamicin for neg, ampicillin for pos). I've gone broad spectrum because its virtually impossible to be certain...
  4. Lenna

    Help! My Synodontis Eupterus

    Okay, I managed to catch to syno without stressing it too much. I'm now treating it separately with cocktail of antibiotics (gentamicin, tetracycline & ampicillin). Fingers crossed it clears up whatever's bothering him. I might be able to target feed him a little easier to improve his condition...
  5. Lenna

    Golden Nugget Plec - Any Tips / Ideas Welcome

    Mine eats everything, bloodworm, mysis shrimp, algae wafers, cichlid pellets, shrimp pellets etc. I guess their temperament varies between individuals as mine isn't shy at all and will come out at all times of day, particularly when food is around :rolleyes:
  6. Lenna

    Help! My Synodontis Eruptus

    It still swims around fine and has a go at my gold nugget pleco whenever he comes too close, but does seem a bit listless compared to its usual self. I tried some different food. Strangely it seemed to try to eat but couldn't pick it up. I think it might be an infection of some kind but not sure...
  7. Lenna

    Help! My Synodontis Eupterus

    Yes thought that was a little unusual, last time I tested it was 10ppm. Could my kit be stuffed? I managed to get some food directly to the fish. It made some attempt to get it but couldn't seem to suck it up. I can't see anything physically wrong with the fish's mouth though :huh: I will try to...
  8. Lenna

    Help! My Synodontis Eruptus

    Couldn't be, I've had it for around 4 years & it was tiny when I got it. I've heard of them living 10+ years.
  9. Lenna

    Help! My Synodontis Eupterus

    Hi thanks, The stats are pH 6.8, NH4 0ppm, NO3 0ppm & NO4 0 ppm. Fish itself looks fine, no colour change or loss of balance but does seem a bit listless. I haven't seen its poop as I haven't seen it eat for a few days. Hopefully this helps.
  10. Lenna

    Help! My Synodontis Eruptus

    I've posted this in emergencies but thought I might get more targeted help here. Hi, I have a full-grown Synodontis eruptus that I've had for years now. It has always been a healthy fish. Recently it has seemed to have gone off food. I've tried all its usual favourites with no luck. I'm getting...
  11. Lenna

    Help! My Synodontis Eupterus

    Hi, I have a full-grown Synodontis eupterus that I've had for years now. It has always been a healthy fish. Recently it has seemed to have gone off food. I've tried all its usual favourites with no luck. I'm getting worried about it as its starting to get a bit thin. Its in a 180g tank with...
  12. Lenna

    Live Rock Hitchhikers

    I got the usual sorts of things plus lots of zooanthids, three crabs (2 of which didn't survive cycling), a tiny blue starfish and my favourite- a mantis shrimp. I have a cool bryozoan that has sprouted on one rock, but that may have come from the water (I collect it fresh).
  13. Lenna

    6mth Update

    Well it's been 6 months since I set up my nano so I thought I might put up some recent pictures. Since I last posted pics i've added a pachyclavularia (green star polyp) and another euphyllia (torch coral). The fish have grown and the zooanthids and mushroom are spreading. Here's the whole tank...
  14. torchlight.jpg


  15. pachyclavularia.jpg


  16. wholetank6.jpg


  17. Lenna

    6 Month Update

    Thanks SkiFletch. Here are some more pics that I couldn't fit last time. Green cynarina Bulb-tipped catalaphyllia Lonely red mushroom ( I'd like to get more mushrooms) with the dottyback Finally, one of the hawaiian red-leg hermits I have some pics of the corals feeding, but I might put...
  18. hawaiianredleg.jpg


  19. mushroom_dotty.jpg


  20. catalaphylliabulb1.jpg


  21. biggreencynarina.jpg


  22. Lenna

    Finally, It's Here...

    Wow, beautiful fish. :wub: Where are they from? I've never seen one before.
  23. Lenna

    6 Month Update

    Hey, I haven't been on for ages, although according to the forum I never logged out (oops). Anyway, here's my 18g nano 6 months in. I had a setup diary but it's so far down I decided not to revive it. The inhabitants are: 3 red-leg hermit crabs 1 trochus snail various other scavengers 1...
  24. cynarinared.jpg


  25. catalaphyllianorm.jpg


  26. euphyllia.jpg


  27. wholetank3.jpg


  28. Lenna

    18g Nano Setup

    Well it's been a while since I was on here last and I thought I'd give a bit of an update. I had a bit of a disaster a wek after I added the dottyback. I had a heater malfunction (it just died suddenly) which resulted in my tank's temperature falling quite dramatically overnight. Sadly I lost...
  29. hermit.jpg


  30. bicolour_blenny.jpg


  31. fridmans_dottyback.jpg


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  33. Lenna

    18g Nano Setup

    I posted about IDing the mantis, which is very small (2cm) and the closest I could see that matched mine was the Haptosquilla hamifera, which doesn't get very big. I rarely see it and don't know which rock it is in. If I start finding empty snail shells I might try to remove it.
  34. Lenna

    18g Nano Setup

    A bit of an update. The tank is going pretty well. I wouldn't have thought it was possible but the polyps I got on the LR a spreading even under my stand in light (its only a single 18W fluoro). The only problem so far is a shortage of algae eating CC members at my LFS. So far I have a single...
  35. yellowgoby1.jpg


  36. fridmansdotty.jpg


  37. Lenna

    Chromides Breeding Again !

    I had the same problem with my BBGs eating the first two batches of chromide fry. I sold the BBGs to my LFS and now I've finally got some fry past the 3 week stage. They seem to grow pretty quickly.
  38. Lenna

    Fish Shapes And Colors

    I agree, it's very confusing. Does the question mean each fish individually of the whole page? It can't be the whole page especially with page 1 and the completely different body types on it. :S With page 2, all the fish on that page have compressed body type with homocercal tails.
  39. Lenna

    Mantis Id

    Thanks for the link. Couldn't find one that looked exactly like it but the pic of the Haptosquilla hamifera looked closest. The one in my tank has more white stripes. If it doesn't get much bigger than it is at the moment it may be one and if so it will stay.
  40. Lenna

    18g Nano Setup

    I finally managed to get some pics of th new inhabitants (not very good ones though). The yellow goby (you can see the green one in the background) this little fella is about a 1/4 the size of the green which is around full grown. And the more reclusive green goby