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  1. F


    It happened to me recently, I assume because he/she was being harassed by a lot of males, she seems a lot happier now though but doesn't chase the females like the other males do. I think I read somewhere that not a lot of fish survive the sex change operation, but mine seems a lot happier now...
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    Outdoor Pond With Mollies

    awesome! I've really been considering doing something like this, my mollies would be perfect in a pond considering i'm starting to get overstocked.
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    Keeping A Mudskipper With Mollies

    Wow, thanks for all your help, some really great advice. I'm definitely going to try this.
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    Keeping A Mudskipper With Mollies

    So I did some more thinking about this and decided to make a little diagram of my own :) Assuming I would probably have a nicely planted tank, maybe with a few lilly pads (can they survive in brackish water?) and probably a few stones, the mudskipper would have plenty to climb on. The only...
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    Keeping A Mudskipper With Mollies

    Wow, just what i was looking for. Thanks a lot (especially for the picture), I really do like mudskippers so I probably will end up making a tank to house a few :) really great info, thanks again.
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    Keeping A Mudskipper With Mollies

    I currently have a 20G tank containing several mollies. Since i keep my mollies in brackish water i had the idea to add a piece of floating drift wood and a mudskipper. I'm sure there is flaws in my idea and I would greatly appreciate any advice on this subject. thanks.
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    A Single Fry?

    alright, thanks alot everyone
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    A Single Fry?

    can anyone help?
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    A Single Fry?

    i have a problem, the small fry doesnt notice the food when i put it in and wont eat.. any advice?
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    A Single Fry?

    Thanks, i'll put her back into the tank then.
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    A Single Fry?

    Lol, thanks for helping. Well, she just had a crap, so shes not constipated. I think i'll leave her in there for another coupl days and see what happens
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    A Single Fry?

    the fry is fine, but the mother is still very fat
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    A Single Fry?

    Well as some of you may know i brought 10 mollies home from the fish store about a week ago now, all of the females are pregnant, but one was looking very ready to drop so i put her in a breeding net. Well last night i was surfing the web when i happened to notice single, very small molly in the...
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    Wimpy Mollie

    I have a male Mollie that is constantly picked on by the other males and even the females occasionally. Why is this? Is it normal?
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    Thanks loads everyone I'll try and get a picture of the suspected fish today and thanks for all the info oldman47, i didn't know crushed coral and sea shells were used to raise pH
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    The tank was set up for a few months before i put the mollies in.. the tank is 15 gallons, is that too small? The fish are still quite small themselves at the moment,only around an inch and a half long, and i didn't know how big they got but i can always give some away, i already know people...
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    alright thanks for all your help
  18. F


    great, thanks, the tank was cycled first yes, but what should my optimal stats for mollies be? I can't check them right now and they haven't been checked since i put them in.
  19. F


    Hello, i recently bought 5 balloon mollies and 5 gold tuxedo mollies, both of the two sets have 3 females and 2 males. Well my tank was previously used to keep platies and i didn't know that mollies needed brackish water, i have only had the fish for 2 days but already a couple of the fish are...