Outdoor Pond With Mollies

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
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South Africa
Outdoor pond with mollies exclusive to which I added 4 goldfish just to keep the duckweed in control. If I have to guess, I'd say about 3 000 of 'em

how big is the pond? I thought about doing something similar, but thought they'd die come winter.
how big is the pond? I thought about doing something similar, but thought they'd die come winter.
I started off with max 6 (2 x males + 4 x females) in a 4ft x 4ft x 3ft high (so they are pretty much inbred) but shows no deformities... (pond is heated in winter by a 4kW geyser element on a timer switch).... Also did this to guppies and platies, with same results.
awesome! I've really been considering doing something like this, my mollies would be perfect in a pond considering i'm starting to get overstocked.
That's amazing! Wouldnt mind doing that but they wouldnt survive in our British summers...let alone winters! :lol:
I've been doing a trial stocking of a couple of mollies and some green swords in a 150 gallon stock tank. So far I like what I'm seeing in growth but the winters here get too harsh for fish to survive it. I will be pulling them out in the next month or so and will know better how things worked out. If I like the results, next year it will get a part of my endler colony so it can really explode with growth.
I've been ding a trial stocking of a couple of mollies and some green swords in a 150 gallon stock tank. So far I like what I'm seeing in growth but the winters here get too harsh for fish to survive it. I will be pulling them out in the next month or so and will know better how things worked out. If I like the results, next year it will get a part of my endler colony so it can really explode with growth.

I have a dozen tubs outside where I keep my livebearers in the British Summer.

Most livebearers do fine but avoid keeping fish such as Limias and other warm water loving fish outside as it is possibly too cold for them.

I have found that the colours on the fish are really lovely from being outside.

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