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  1. F

    Ammonia And Nitrite

    Now obviously we all know that a tank should have no Ammonia or Nitrite, but say a freak occurance happened and either Ammonia or Nitrite spiked after your cycle was complete, which would you prefer it was? My question really is about the effect of both on fish and which is more deadly, im...
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    Stocking Suggestion

    cool thanks yeah i really like the keyholes, think they are fasinating to watch hang around in a pair, likewise the honey gourami have had different schooling fish before (neons, rummynoses) thought id go for the rasboras this time
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    Stocking Suggestion

    Hi just want some opinions on my final stocking idea do you see any problems having these? 1 Bristlenose 2 Keyhole cyclids 2 Honey Gourami 7 Harlequin Rasboras 3 Rock Shrimp Its a 33 US Gallon tank, planted Thanks guys
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    What Is The Best Enviroment For Shrimp

    my local store has 'rock' shrimp, they are big about 1.5 inches in length, too big to be eaten i think, but i dont hink they are algae eaters
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    Filter Flow Rate Too High?

    did a proper fishless cycle for 2 weeks, used bactinettes to start it off was reducing 5 ppm to nothing in 24 hours
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    Filter Flow Rate Too High?

    Hello all I have a planted Rio 125 and bought a tetratec ex700 instead of the normal internal filter which i did nt like. I did a fishless cycle using bactinettes, standard 5ppm and all seemed fine. I added 10 harlequins and 3 rock shrimp and again it seemed ok Then i added 2 Keyhole...
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    Eco Complete + Chlorinated Water?

    its says on the bag that it contains live bacteria that help to break down fish waste products
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    Eco Complete + Chlorinated Water?

    Hi all I understand that Eco complete substrate has live bacteria in it Now i am just about to set up my tank with Eco complete substrate, but when ever i have set it up before i have just filled her up using a hose pipe directly from the tap, then added de-chlorinator afterwards Will this...
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    Eco Complete Substrate (100%)

    cool thanks guys im setting up from scratch again so i ll just plonk it in there!
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    Eco Complete Substrate (100%)

    Hi All I am just about to set up a planted tank and am going to use Eco complete as the substrate I have never used it before so wondered if it is ok to use it on its own or if people prefer to cover it with a layer of gravel I want a dark substrate so the colour of it is nt worrying me, i...
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    Help Please, Set Up For Plant Growth

    thanks alot, yes the lighting is T5 but your points are exactly what i was looking for thanks
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    Angelfish Stocking Question

    ok full grown amano shrimp it is! i was planning to get small angels anyway
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    Angelfish Stocking Question

    so all shrimp are a no no then with angels miss wiggle? thats a shame i wanted some shrimp to act as a clean up crew
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    Angelfish Stocking Question

    cool thanks guys it was always my intention to get the shrimp and rasboras first then introduce some young angels later
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    Angelfish Stocking Question

    Hi i plan to have well planted tank and want to keep the following, will the angelfish eat the shrimp? 2 angelfish 10 harlequin rasbora 8 cherry shrimp p.s my tank is 33 gallons
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    Help Please, Set Up For Plant Growth

    Hello i am setting up a new tank and am going to have live plants, i am looking for low maintainence and im not worried about having plants grow like crazy, i just want them to beat off the algae i have 1.6 WPG lighting but with reflectors as well, so i suppose its a bit higher i was planning...
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    Help Please, Filter And Substrate

    Hi i have a Rio 125 and am going to use an external filter for ease of use and low maintainence I have been informed that an Eheim is the best filter to go with, would it come with all the piping and pumps and things or do i need to buy these seperate?? Also which substrate should i use, i am...
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    Jewel Filter Replacement, Rio 125

    thanks for that, i ll check it out, do you know much about Tetratec filters? are they any good?
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    Jewel Filter Replacement, Rio 125

    Hi all I had my Rio 125 set up but then moved home so had to take it all down and now im ready to set it up again. Before i found that the internal filter was a bit annoying, took up space, did nt filter particularly well, was pretty noisey and had high running costs, replacing filter pads...