What Is The Best Enviroment For Shrimp

tht is good coz i might get some tomoz becoz i saw the in the lps and they are quite tiny
ghost shrimp are pretty cool, their pretty active and like hanging around rocks and a rock cave i made, they'll swim up on top of plants and sit their, they eat normal fish food, and their not agrssive,
my local store has 'rock' shrimp, they are big about 1.5 inches in length, too big to be eaten i think, but i dont hink they are algae eaters
A few things, the only loaches that are safe 'ish' to be kept with shrimp are sucking loaches (become a real pain as they get older), hillstream loaches (with larger shrimp species) and kuhli loaches. Of the other types even the smaller varieties can give shrimp problems, especially when it comes time to moult.

As to varieties, Giant African Fan Shrimp (also known as cameroon armoured shrimp) are a BAD idea for a tank as small as yours, growing to about 15cms in size they are too big for your tank. Instead I would suggest a species of dwarf shrimp, such as one of the neocaridina species as these are usually the easiest to keep and breed. The usual 'beginner' shrimp are cherry shrimp, neocaridina heteropoda var 'red', which are also easily and fairly cheaply obtained. Beware of bettas with these smaller varieties however, many people have found that they have made short work of any shrimp that they have added.

To be honest starting out I would avoid fan shrimp. They would probably be OK, but better to learn on an easier species really. You could always go for good old Amano shrimp, which are pretty easy to keep, but you wont breed them in fresh water (any more than you would a fan shrimp variety).

If you wish to do more reading there are some good articles on the UK Shrimp site.


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