Jewel Filter Replacement, Rio 125


New Member
May 29, 2008
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Hi all

I had my Rio 125 set up but then moved home so had to take it all down and now im ready to set it up again.

Before i found that the internal filter was a bit annoying, took up space, did nt filter particularly well, was pretty noisey and had high running costs, replacing filter pads etc.

So this time i was thinking about buying a new external filter to do the job, can anyone recommend one that would be good for a tank this size? Its approx 34 imp gallons

What i am looking for is:

Good filtering
And low maintainence

Thats for all you help guys

Eheim 2213 or 2215. Easy peasy and near silent. Depending on stocking levels, clean roughly once every 6 months.

You don't need to replace filter pads unless they start falling apart (that won't happen in it's lifetime). And as for the filter floss, just buy a large bag and stuff a wad in the top for fine particle filtration. Cheap.
However if you buy a new filter, it should come with the basic / standard media included.
thanks for that, i ll check it out, do you know much about Tetratec filters? are they any good?
thanks for that, i ll check it out, do you know much about Tetratec filters? are they any good?

Hi Dan,

I've never used a Tetratec personally, but feedback from members here is good. I can recommend them on that basis.

The other popular ones to consider are Fluval, Eheim and Rena.


Eheim is your best bet if you can afford the initial outlay. After that, TetraTec or Fluval are both good, cheaper alternatives. If you went for TetraTec then the EX700 would be sufficient for a Rio 125 :D

Hope that helps!

Take care,

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