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    Chichlasoma Id Required

    Hi all, There is a large fish for sale in my local lfs but they do not know what it is other than a 'large chichlasoma'. I have tried to look it up on the interent but have found it could be any one of many fish! Does anyone know what it is or can point me in the right direction?
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    Oscars Around Heater

    Yes its well hidden - in another tank!! Just but them a new bubble wall in so no doubt they will be sulky today. The severum seems to be the moodiest one, as he/she looses all colour when i'm messing around in the tank!
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    Oscars Around Heater

    thanks, i have added a second heater and they seemed happier. I think the old heater was on its way out as it has now stopped working. I have bought a new, bigger wattage heater and they are looking soo much happier. I have also bought a new thermometer as i think the other one wasn't very...
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    Small Plec?

    How big do butterfly plecs get to?
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    Small Plec?

    the tank is about 12 gallons/55litres. There are 7 zebras in there. I already have a bristlenose in another tank so would like something different for this one if possible.
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    Small Plec?

    I have a small tank (about 2ft) which only contains long finned zebra's at the mo. ( I may get a few other small things for in there too). I would like a plec to go in with them but one that will not grow too big. Any ideas? (I already have 3 common plecs, 1 bristlenose and one featherfin...
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    Sexing Severums

    Thanks, was kinda hoping for a male as i'v already named him Cyril! Were we looking for something to go with the 2 oscars and I just fell in love with him and just had to bring him home!!
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    Sexing Severums

    finally got him/her to pose
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    Oscars Around Heater

    The last day or so my 2 oscars have been huddling around the heater. The tank temp is 24 and they have been fine. They do seem a little sluggish today and dont seem to want to do anything. Should I just turn the heat up a little or could something else be wrong?
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    Hi all, there's been a lovely looking fish in my lfs that has been there for ages and I would love to be able to give it a better home than the cramped shop tank it is in. It is labelled as 'lge chihlasoma' and is around 10". anybody got any ideas what it could be?
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    Loachie Thing

    Dont think it is a silver khuli after looking around on the internet. Just been to the lfs and asked while I was there. The bloke told me it could be a wether loach (not sure of spelling), I'v looked at a few pics on the net and its seems more likely.
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    Loachie Thing

    Hi. I aquired this with a tank and a number off other wrongly named fish....have figured the rest out all by my self but at a dead end with this one :unsure: Was told its a coolie loach....but i think not. Any ideas?
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    Name The Catfish

    That looks about right, thanks Have just been reading that they can get extremely large but more commonly in aquarium strains they only reach around 30cm/12". Fingers crossed!
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    Name The Catfish

    ah. I hope not! I the shop they had one in the next tank that wasn't for sale. They said that was almost fully grown at about 10", which would be fine to live with our oscars and co. I just started to get worried when I was flicking through a new book and found something resembling which was...
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    Name The Catfish

    I recently bought a catfish but can't remember what it was called...can anyone help?? (pics aren't very good as the only camera i have is on my phone :unsure: )
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    Sexing Severums

    I think I have figured it out (sorry if this doesn't work!) This is my green severum.......the oscars wanted in on the action too!
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    Sexing Severums

    Hi, sorry how do i put pics in the post? I looked in the FAQ but still dont understand :crazy:
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    What substrate do Bristlenose plecs prefer? I have just had to move mine from gravel to sand due to water problems. Will he be ok in there - long term or short term? Thanks
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    Sexing Severums

    Thanks for the info.....i'm still not sure what mine is tho :blush: I will try and get a half decent pic pic up asap!
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    Green Severums

    my green severum normally has spots along its belly but when it get chased by an oscar the spots turn into stripes its amazing to watch. I was gettin worried about the severum being picked on by the 2 oscars but I am happy to say that the severum is now doing most of the chasing!
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    Sexing Severums

    Hi Can anyone tell me how to tell the difference between male and female green severum? I only have one so no comparison. Thanks
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    Oscars And Tank Mates

    They are in a 4ft tank at the mo. the severum is about the same size as the oscars, plec is growing well too, aleady about 4-5 ins. The clown loaches are still in quarantine at the mo and are only 1.5 ins each so far. We're undecided where they are going to go but are currently setting up a 3ft...
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    Pics Of My Blue Rams

    Thanks, that info is really helpful. I will continue to look into tank mates etc and find out if our favourite shop stocks them from a good source (they are pretty helpful there and know what they are talking about!) Thanks again, will keep you posted on the progress!
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    Oscars And Tank Mates

    Hi. My boyfriend bought 2 oscars on an impulse buy 'because they looked nice', the bloke in the shop had been helpful until then, he only told us oscars got big not that they like to eat all other tankmates! However, after some extenive research we decided to commit to them head on. They seem...
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    Pics Of My Blue Rams

    Hi - thins might be slightly off the subject oh your rams, which are very lovely fish!! However I thought it might be a good place to start for some advice. I am looking in to getting some rams and would like to know what sort of conditions and tank set up they prefer. I have done research on...
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    Tiger Barbs And Green Morphing?

    thanks all for the info, really helpful. Eventhough there are only 5 TB's in the tank they only seem to pick on each other and even that is fairly rare, they are in a large tank with quite a few other fish. They did have a go at my Angels at first but have left them alone now too. Maybe I...
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    Tiger Barbs And Green Morphing?

    Hi. I am new to this site but it looked helpful when I stumbled across it trying to find out what is going on with my tiger barbs. I have 5 tiger barbs in a community tank and yesterday ttwo of them started 'fighting'. Whilst doing so their black stipes turned green as I watched. A couple of...