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    Feather Duster Not Opening, Help Please

    Hello, Added a Feather Duster Coral to our tank last weekend and its failed to open, its been pushed in a hole the correct way round but no joy its not come out. Does it need to be in a tight fitting hole or a loose one. Any ideas as to why its not come out. Cheers
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    What Is This Little Critter I Have Found In The Tank?

    Yeah it was removed without marigolds!!!! but to be honest it did'nt look very pretty so did'nt want to touch it. Thanks for the replys.
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    What Is This Little Critter I Have Found In The Tank?

    Has lots of little legs down the sides like a millipeed and uses them for swimming
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    What Is This Little Critter I Have Found In The Tank?

    Hello, Woke up this morning and noticed the little critter in the photo swimming around my tank, never seen it before. Its about an inch long and looks like a millipeed. Swims like an eel very quick stays near the water surface. Went to my LFS and they think it maybe some form of Sea slug but...
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    Red Spots On Platys Tail

    Hello, Just noticed today that one of our male platys has got some red spots appearing on its tail, any ideas. Only noticed today as its first day he has stopped chasing females about. He seems fine other than that though has spent some time sat on bottom of tank but I feel the may just of worn...
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    Pink Spot On Plec's Nose

    ok thats great thank you, not sure if we have brackish fish we are pretty nwe to the hobby!! we added some as the LRS said it aids treating poorley fish? We have 3 Rainbows, some mollys, neons, rummy nose and plattys oh and of course Mr pleco :lol: ditto on the post above yours minxyfish. cheers
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    Pink Spot On Plec's Nose

    We are only putting half the salt in that you should for the tank size due to the plec, told by LFS this will be ok and not harm him. If someone could clarify though that would be great. Cheers
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    Pink Spot On Plec's Nose

    Thats great thanks, we have some melafix so will use it. water is fine change it 1/2 times a week Ammonia is 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 5-10 Many thanks
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    Pink Spot On Plec's Nose

    hi again just woundering if anyone has just an idea?
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    Does Our Tank Have Ick?

    Thanks Rabbut, yes they are sugar like. it was a mistake on my behalf fairly new to fish keeping and get a bit mixed up with all these diseases!! Got interpet anti white spot today as they never had any of the protozin. many thanks
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    Pink Spot On Plec's Nose

    Hello, Just noticed this evening that right on the end of our Gold Nugget Plec's nose there is a pink spot, he seems fine and is behaving normally and no other markings oh him. Could this be an infection or just a scrape from fighting over algae wafers with the other fish in the tank?. He is...
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    Does Our Tank Have Ick?

    thats great thanks rabut, yes it does look like grains of sugar and is mainly on the fis. will go in the mornibg and get some stuff. Thanks again Si unfortunatley we dont have another tank but will treat first thing 2moro.
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    Does Our Tank Have Ick?

    Hi all just want to check what this could be!! ok just been checking the water and noticed on a few of the fish they have tiny white specks but not fluffy like white spot is it ick? our tank is 200l Temp is between 27 28 ph 7.5 ammonia 0 nitrate 5 nitrite 0 We have 10 rummy nose tetra,8 neon...
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    Co2 Units

    not too sure then as we do it once a month as instructed by the LFS and the instructions and dont reall find it a pain or inadaquate on our 200l fluval tank?1 but thats my oppinion.
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    Co2 Units

    Hi we use the NUTRAFIN CO2 natural plant system its arround £17 ish and you only need to re do it once a month wnich you just mix the solution and after a few days you can see the bubbles relising into tank never had any probs with this and its so easy to use. then we also add the ferropoll 24...
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    Silver Molly Changing Colour

    Hi all, We have had our tamk for about 3 months now all water stats are good nitrite 0 ammonia 0 nitrate 5-10 we have 3 silver mollys 2female 1 male we just noticed this eve that one of the females is going a dark silver/grey any one know why? or if this is a problem? Cheers
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    Fin Rot Losing Fish And Fast

    ok thats great thank you for the advice
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    Fin Rot Losing Fish And Fast

    Thatd great thanks Wilder i will get some tmr he allready died this aft in total we have lost 3 today! how quick does this spread and kill??
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    Fin Rot Losing Fish And Fast

    Yes the lump looked solid but he also had alot of his fin missing? Guppys dont really seem to be swimming at all really just kind of floating about. there has been no fin nipping as we kept a close eye on that since w got the 2 rams which are now both dead because we heard they could sometimes...
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    Fin Rot Losing Fish And Fast

    Hi all, We have lost 3 fish today which are 1Ram,1Dwarf Gourami and 1Platy all to fin rot however the gourami had what looked like a small marble in his stomach could this have been bloat? his scales were not sticking out though. we have just got in this eve and 2 Guppy's look like they are on...
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    How Do I Know If My Plant Is Decaying In My Tank?

    We also have sand in our tank, with all real plants at first some of them did go a touch brown so we use Ferropol 24 we have a 200l tank and it takes 3 drops a day (lasts ages) but it is better than some you put in once a week as gennerally the plants will use all the iron before the next dose...
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    2 Fish Died In 3 Days 3rd One Not Looking Good Any Ideas?

    Hi BTT, After the cycle we got 5 fish then the following week another 5 missed a week then some more generally no more than 5-6 a week but not every week! Had not had the dying problem untill sunday thats the day we got the new fish! the same lfs as we always do they are a good one very rarely...
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    2 Fish Died In 3 Days 3rd One Not Looking Good Any Ideas?

    Hello, On Sunday one of our female Dwarf Gourami's died of Dropsy, this morning Tuesday found one of our Male Mollies had died during the night no obviuos casue though may have died of stress only been in tank since Sunday afternoon and this evening after putting a few peas in for the plec...
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    Dwarf Gourami Ill? On Side And Breathing Heavy

    Thanks wilder they never got chance as we were watching her with a close eye as she looked so bad! :sad: and took her out straight away.
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    Dwarf Gourami Ill? On Side And Breathing Heavy

    No it was dark and not fluffy first we thought cotton mouth but when looked propperly saw it wasnt. had a look on net and from some reading think it was Dropsy, we took her out strait away so no others nibbled her she wont have infected water will she? Cheers
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    We have sand in our tank like a meutral colour got it from the lfs so it was not the really dirty stuff but the besr way i found to rinse it clean eas to put it into a pair of tights that way there is constantly fresh water going thru and you dont loose any sand! Good luck with the change over
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    Dwarf Gourami Ill? On Side And Breathing Heavy

    Unfortunately she has died in the last hour, on taking her out of the tank she appears to be bloated on one side, any ideas on the cause of death. Cheers
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    Dwarf Gourami Ill? On Side And Breathing Heavy

    Hi all We have 3 female dwarf gourami and 1 male had them now for about 3 weeks but today we noticed one of the females has what looks like a scale or 2 missing on her side she also has a bit of a patch arround her mouth (not look like whits spot to me) its bit dark she also is breathing heavy...
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    Neons Losing Colour

    Hi thank you all for getting back to us we do a 30% water change once a week and also do the filter. we giv live blood worms every other week to yhey were called "large neon tetra" but we had only hd them 3weeks! :sad: They since died think it was poss NTD as looked it up and they appeared to...
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    Nitrite And Nitrate Increasing After Treating Tank

    Hi again just checked the water readings and they are as follows NITRATE 10 NITRATE 0.3 AMMONIA 0.6 Should we also do say a 20% water change aswell as putting carbon back in/ Thanks again
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    Nitrite And Nitrate Increasing After Treating Tank

    Ok, thanks for that, so the increase in levels could be meds or it just could be natural?
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    Nitrite And Nitrate Increasing After Treating Tank

    The LFS seem to think it was stress from transportation of the Platy home, she is looking much better nearly all the fugus/flaky skin has gone. Tank has only been running for about a month and a half, fish have been in 3 weeks and nirtrite and nitrate have held steady at 0.1(nitrite) and 5...
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    Nitrite And Nitrate Increasing After Treating Tank

    Hello all, After one of our Platys had a little bit of skin/fungal damage on its mouth we started treating the tank with Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Melafix that we purchased from our LFS its a Antibacterial Fish Remedy for many ailments. its an all Natural product and contains tea tree and...
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    Our New Plec

    Thanks we think so! he also comes out quite alot the LFS said he may be quite shy!
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    Our New Plec

    Hello, Just got our new plec this weekend, a Gold Nugget Plec. Picture below with Gourami's, not fully sure which L number it is as there seems to be a few types of Gold Nugget Plec.
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    Neon Tetra Losing Colour?!

    Thanks for coming back to us waterdrop we are sure our tank has cycled unfortunately we were away for 8 days so did not take any readings but came back to an algae covered tank. Decided to get some fish and if tank readings changed perfoam a fish in cycle but readings have stayed a constant 0...
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    Neons Losing Colour

    sorry just re read water change once a week 20% no marking and poo looks ok 7 real plants cheers
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    Neons Losing Colour

    They are about 4 cm Tank is a 200L 205 fluval filter 3 platyt 4 dwarf gourami water ph 7.5 nitrate 5 nitrite 0.1 ammonia 0 Thank you
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    Neons Losing Colour

    Hello, we are very new to keeping fish! And got 5 large neon tetras about 3/4 weeks ago they were all doing fine untill last night noticed 2 of them have lost most of there colour red first and now the blue is fading? :unsure: they seem happy though still swiming round and eating! Please if...