Fin Rot Losing Fish And Fast


New Member
May 3, 2008
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Hi all,

We have lost 3 fish today which are 1Ram,1Dwarf Gourami and 1Platy all to fin rot however the gourami had what looked like a small marble in his stomach could this have been bloat? his scales were not sticking out though.

we have just got in this eve and 2 Guppy's look like they are on there way out too!! :crazy: there tails are really shredded one is sitting at the top the other is sitting in the plants! we have been treating with Mellafix for 3days now but there is no improvement infact it still seems to be spredding.

Doing water stats daily to keep an eye on things our tank is as follows

200L fluval with a 205 fluval external filter Temp 26-27 deg

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5-10
Ph 7.5

Any advice would be great thanks
So the lump looked solid if so it could of been a tumour.
Once guppy loses half of there tails they never seem to make it.
Are they struggling to swim.
I would add a bacterial med to the tank.
Have you seen any fin nipping..
Melafix is only good once the fins are healed to stop them getting infected.
Yes the lump looked solid but he also had alot of his fin missing?
Guppys dont really seem to be swimming at all really just kind of floating about. there has been no fin nipping as we kept a close eye on that since w got the 2 rams which are now both dead because we heard they could sometimes be a bit boistrous.
I would use myxazin by waterlife that good on finrot.
You can also use anti internal bacteria med by interpet.

If the lump is a tumour the med won't help.
I would just wait till he go downhill.
Thatd great thanks Wilder i will get some tmr he allready died this aft in total we have lost 3 today! how quick does this spread and kill??
Bless him R.I.P.
Depends on the strain of the bacteria.
I would do a water change to dilute the bacteria down in the tank, then add the med.
You can lose a few fish them things settle down again.
Good luck, off to bed tired.

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