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  1. L

    Just Purchased Orca Tl550

    Hey, Happy NY everyone! I have just bought an orca tl550 second hand from ebay. I currently have a small 45L tank wiht a hang on refugium, but would like to turn one of the rear chambers into a miracle mud + caulerpa refugium - how can i keep install a light into one of the chambers that is...
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    Omg - What Are They?

    I dropped a couple of crab pellets in the tank to keep the inverts going whilst the fish are in a hospital tank being treated for white spot. Anyway, as usual two bristleworms appeared, then I saw this tiny thing shoot across the tank. It's about 3 mm long, looks kind of like a shrimp / small...
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    Ocean Acidification, Effects Of Global Pollution =(

    Very sad. I find it hard to relate to a lot of the other struggles for life due to pollution, deforestation, and so on. But keeping a marine aquarium, I feel very unsettled by what is happening to our oceans.
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    Bulk Heads, Dursos And Sumps

    Hey Guys, Both posts are really helpful. I will Google twin standpipe - I heard a durso was the best way to do it, but I'm open to advice. Yes the sump post is very helpful! I'm on my second read of it. I think I may just drill the tank for the bulk heads and take my time creating the...
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    Algae Eating Snails Vs Magnetic Cleaner

    Hey Nemo, That's really helpful. Thanks. What algae eating snails, and in what numbers, do you recommend for a 45L tank, given its current CuC occupants? Cheers, L
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    Algae Eating Snails Vs Magnetic Cleaner

    Hi, My LFS guy says that it's fairly futile getting algae eating snails to keep the tank clean, and that the best course of action is to just scrub the glass on a daily basis. Is this people's advice in general? I have a lot of hair algae that has grown on glass at the back and don't fancy...
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    Bulk Heads, Dursos And Sumps

    Hey Folks, I am considering upgrading my new 45L nano tank to a 90-120L nano. I already have an arcadia 4 tube t5 OT luminiere (aka the really expensive bit), and pretty much everything else I need now to upgrade my tank fairly cheaply. I would probably keep the small tank as a hospital tank...
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    Tropical Marine Centre Marine Cure - Ich Treatment

    Hi, I have my two clowns in a hospital tank with the right dosage of tropical marine centre ich cure. Allegedly this is a professional product (whatever that means) that is used also by the LFS and will be effective against marine ich. It says "particularly effective against cryptocaryon" and...
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    Refugium Vs Skimmer

    Hey, I have read stuff about refugiums and it seems that in many cases a refugium is a more-than-adequate replacement for a skimmer. The refugium I am running has a compartment full of bioballs (not sure if these will become a nitrate factory or not), and then a main compartment with a...
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    Seeking Frags Around Manchester Uk Area

    Erm, this message is probably misplaced, and should probably exist on the frag exchange list, but it seemed more geared towards people advertising corals than requesting them. Anyway, if there is anyone within an hour of Manchester, UK, who has various small soft coral frags for sale, I'd be...
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    Return Of The Ich

    Hey, Thanks for your reply! I think your post is very helpful and is probably a great starting point and maybe even a solution? As the tank is new, I have been feeding them only marine flake food (the best marine flake apparently). But it might not be as highly vitamin enriched as some foods...
  12. L

    Return Of The Ich

    I posted not so long ago because I thought my fish had ich, but I couldn't quite tell. There were small white bits, but they were really hard to see, which wasn't helped by the fact the fish darts about the place like a maniac. Now, however, there does appear to be obvious white bits on the...
  13. L

    Clownfish Wars - Conflicting Advice

    whoa... it's 3:30am, and I just got back home from hot date, to find I'd accidently left the tank lights on (the timer override was switched so they were permanently on), and to find the two clownfish "shimmying" together in complete harmony. What's amazing, the dominant fish is swimming up...
  14. L

    Clownfish Wars - Conflicting Advice

    Hey Joe, That's really helpful advice. And on that basis, I have returned the smaller male to the tank to see how it fairs. The attacks last a few minutes and usually end with the small fish hiding for a bit. But the last few attacks I saw, were vicious. I have seen the bigger fish chasing the...
  15. L

    Clownfish Wars - Conflicting Advice

    Hi, don't have time to take pictures now. They have only been together since yesterday afternoon. Size - just over an inch, perhaps. They're in a 45L tank with a firefish. I have a video of the original fish on photobucket - The other fish looks pretty much the same but is maybe 3-4 mmm...
  16. L

    Cheato Vs Caulupero For A Refugium

    Aha, excellent. So they only "get it on" when lights are out! Thanks! L
  17. L

    Clownfish Wars - Conflicting Advice

    Hi, I got another clownfish to accompany the other clown, and I asked at the LFS if they would be compatible and also selected the smallest clown I could find. Turns out, they just keep fighting. They go through periods of seeming to accept each other and swimming about together, then the...
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    Mods-- Wave Nano 45 L

    I just stuck a refugium on the back of mine with miracle mud and macro algae and bio balls. IMO that's probably the best addition, along with an extra lighting unit.
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    9:00 Life On Bbc1

    Totally awesome program! The complexity of life down there is astounding. Wish they made a full series, instead of a one-off and covered saltwater and freshwater places, such as Malawi, Tanganyka and the Amazon!
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    Cheato Vs Caulupero For A Refugium

    OK, always conflicting advice, but... inspite of wanting a bunch of cheato, I ended up with caulopera and some other stuff (red coloured). It is what the LFS had. They said they rarely have Cheato for sale, and find it's not as good as Caulopera at filtering the water. They said to prevent it...
  21. L

    What Corals For A Beginner

    Nitrate is the end product of the nitrogen cycle as I am sure you know. So other stuff has been leading to the nitrate spike. Perhaps the nitrifying bacteria has kicked in, or the ammonia processing bacteria, or perhaps too much was placed in the tank or too much feeding? Ultimately your...
  22. L

    Considering A Salt Water Tank

    Hey, I know how you feel about losing the will. I had such a disaster ... really HORRIBLE (i'd prefer to use the F word here, but I"m sure it's not appropriate, or will censored by the forum software) nightmare. I bought an established tank for £250. It cracked a week later (it wasn't seated...
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    Is It Big Enough

    I know they can be a lot more work, and things like feeding need to be very carefully controlled and you have top up the tank regularly with RO to prevent salt levels dropping, but.... the upside is you can do large water changes on a weekly basis. I have a 45L Wave box tank and I buy 12Ls of...
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    Nitrite In Tank

    [Hmm, I re-tested today (the 11th day after noticing nitrite in the tank) and it's still registering about 0.02mg/l. How is this so? I feed the tank every day, and the levels are not rising, so some Ni reduction must be going on, but obviously it's not enough to remove it from the water...
  25. L

    Cheato Vs Caulupero For A Refugium

    Hi Folks, I just purchased this item: - It'll fit perfectly on my nano tank, and I've been thinking about a refugium or sump for some time, but I didn't...
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    Marine Ich =(

    Hard to tell anything, but this may be a good sign. If the fish is still for a mo, and in the right light I thought I could catch a glimpse of white sugar like dots. But I look today and really what I think I am seeing is a mild overproduction of slime. From pictures I have seen of whitespot...
  27. L

    Marine Ich =(

    OK I'm now not convinced the fish has itch. It was hard to see anything, but occasionally I'd notice small amounts of white on one side of the fish. Spending more time staring at the fish, it seems that the white bits are from the fishes slime coat, which would be understandable with the small...
  28. L

    Marine Ich =(

    Hi, My clownfish appears to have ich and is kind of rushing back and forth in the tank, and swimming rapidly at the top of the water as if it's itchy. When I look closely I notice small white specs (quite hard to see) on one side. I have a fire fish which looks OK, though there may be a single...
  29. L

    Nitrite In Tank

    OK I have been testing the tank for nitrite daily. The nitrite -> nitrate process seems to have stalled completely, which leads me to believe that the filter pad in the well aerated protein skimmer had a good portion of the nitrite processing bacteria. The moment I removed it and juggled about...
  30. L

    Does Everything In A Fish Tank Molt?

    Yep. Fingers crossed. If he is molting, then that's 3/4 of the tanks Arthropods that have moulted in the 4 weeks they've been in the tank.
  31. L

    Does Everything In A Fish Tank Molt?

    Hi, One of my hermit crabs has gone AWOL. All I can see is an empty shell, and then I noticed to feet kicking about. Either: - 1. he's left his shell to molt 2. he's been killed - probably by the Emrald as that is the only thing really fiesty, and big enough, to commit murder (which gets me...
  32. L

    10 Gallon Fresh To Salt

    Hey, I was going to reply earlier but got embroiled in a convo with house mate! I have just done the same thing you're thinking of doing with a 45L / 11 USG tank. <a href=""...
  33. L

    Why Did My Lemonpeel Angelfish Die So Suddenly? Now What?

    Whoa some crazy advice from your LFS. Did you mean 90 gallon or 90 litre?
  34. L

    Nitrite In Tank

    Ah, that sound great. Thanks for your help! There's so much to keeping marines compared to FW!
  35. L

    Nitrite In Tank

    I have the copepod culture set-up from reef works. It's just a small 10 litre tank, with salt water (ro salt water) a copepod and rotifier culture and I regularly add doses of Phytoplanked (stuff I keep in the fridge) every few days. There was a small air pump with a flow restricter running to...
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    Nitrite In Tank

    Yeh, it's the first time I've tried adding 'pods to the main tank. I am using a strainer (aka piece of pipe with mesh at one end) to capture the pods. The problem I have is that the 'pod tank is loaded with algae, so small strands of it are also getting mopped up and then added to the tank...
  37. L

    Nitrite In Tank

    Hi, Thanks for the prompt reply! Yes, it's just the fire fish and the clown. I have stopped feeding frozen or marine food, but fortunately I have a copepod and rotifier culture so I am feeding them these. It's funny watching them dart around the tank, and I'm assuming that as they are live...
  38. L

    Nitrite In Tank

    Hi, I added two fish to my 45L the other day and fed them garlic enriched brine shrimp. They appeared fine, and the tank parameters were good too. Last night one fish looked ill so I quickly retested the water, and found: - Am - 0 Ni - 0.2mg/l Na - 15mg/l I was out of water at the time, and...
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    Tank So Far ... 45 L

    Would a tiny B&W clown go with the current clown?
  40. L

    Tank So Far ... 45 L

    Agreed. I reallly wanted to two b&w percs, but no LFS within a 20 mile radius seemed to have any in stock.