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  1. jaybon


    Hi i have a female molly that over a day or so has got really really fat basicly round in shape is this molly pregnant
  2. jaybon

    Cloudy Water

    Thank you for your imput, i did nit mention one thing that might be usefull, a couple of my plants are quite green, i dont mean the colour of the plants it algae is this normal or is it down to bad water?
  3. jaybon

    Cloudy Water

    Thankyou very much for your imput, i will do this tomorrow
  4. jaybon

    Cloudy Water

    Thankyou for all your help i will test water see what the levels are, and go from there i cant do a big water change yet as the tank is only about 6 weeks old i have done a 20% change last week and cleaned out the foam filters and media and carbon, when i done the change. i have about 6 snails...
  5. jaybon

    Cloudy Water

    I wonder if anyone can help i have had my tropical fish tank for 6 weeks now, it temp is set at around 25-26 degrease i have 9 plants and 21 fish a mix of platties and mollies and a plec i have a lump of lump wood. the tank is a fluval 180ltr and a fluval 205 filteration system. a 300mm air...
  6. jaybon

    How To Upload Pictures

    there are some picture on this attatchment for you to look at to see if you think there are any problems. regards
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  14. jaybon


    thankyou for your help i will keep in touch if i need anymore help
  15. jaybon


    no i have no air pumps, there is a current in the water the filter blows the water in from about 3" under the surface of the water, i have 6 plants in the tank also, i would show you a picture of the set out but it wont download on to the forum. i have had this set up for only 2 weeks, and put...
  16. jaybon


    Hi to all i am new at this fish hobby, i have plattys in my tank its a fluval 180 with a fluval 205 filter system, i was wondering if anyone can help me to tell me why most of my fish sit or swim at the top of the tank is there a reason for this or is this what they do, as they are top feeders?