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    Surely angels would be too agressive, and possibly grow too large. A pair or single if i was to go for them, which would you think? Thanks for all the responses :)
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    How Many Fish Are Kept By The Tff Collectively?

    Freshwater: 20 mixed guppies 1 Bristlenose ancistrus plec 1 Large common plec 2 Jack dempseys 1 Goldfish Marine: 2 Ocellaris clowns 1 Sixline wrasse 1 Lawnmower blenny 1 Yellow tang 3 Green chromis (black axil) Total: 33 Running total: 7168
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    Would lake Ktubu rainbows or anby other other larger species of rainbow be suitable? any suggestions as to your favourite population controler? (hehehehe)
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    Essentially, yes, to eat the fry.
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  6. X

    72"x18x18 What To Stock

    Fahaka puffer :) lol
  7. X


    Hi I was wondering what to stock my 20 gallon (60cm x 30cm x 35cm) guppy tank that would keep the numbers down? I was thinking like a nice African killie? Or Panchax? Thanks