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  1. Netty

    My Little Donation set yourself some tasks don't you :lol: But I'm sure you'll find exactly the right one....would be a shame not to use him and the lovely CT you have :good:
  2. Netty

    My Little Donation

    What colour are you going to go for? If I see anything I can let you know. Not sure if Daz will be doing anything yet cos he's off today and tomorrow but who knows....he might get bored later and put some on lol
  3. Netty

    My Little Donation

    I wouldn't add PK into his line either Tilly. A nice little HM girl would be great to keep the nice finnage :good:
  4. Netty

    42 Gallon?

    The owner of [Mod Edit] is a member on here and goes by the name of [Mod Edit]. His fish are excellent so you won't go wrong getting a nice group of girls from him :good:
  5. Netty

    Meet Alice!

    Oh noooo.....she's going to be gobbled alive by the frog :lol: :lol: Bless her....she looks like she's having a good time exploring :good:
  6. Netty

    More Ct Fry Pics

    I know alot of people say that line breeding causes more defects but we only have one deformed fry in our spawn of 114 and they are F2s.
  7. Netty

    Before You All Shoot Me....

    Not to mention the speed of the ammonia build up!!! Best thing would be to re-arrange your current community tank and add them back in altogether.
  8. Netty

    Meet Alice!

    Awwww.....she is just gorgeous and I love her name :good: I don't think anyone in their right mind could of walked away from her :wub:
  9. Netty

    Pixie And Chelsea The Portuguese Podengos

    Absolutely adorable :wub: Are they from Betty Judge? I believe she starting breeding them a few years ago but could be wrong.
  10. Netty

    My Little Donation

    Could be talking complete tosh here but isn't it the melano females that there are fertility problems with? bred these before didn't you?. Did you have any problems?
  11. Netty

    My Little Donation

    You can just make up your very own special name for him Tilly :lol: You're good at names so I'm sure you'll come up with something good!!! It's interesting too to find out more about the black/melano/orchid bettas as we've never had them.
  12. Netty

    More Ct Fry Pics

    There are plenty of people happy to give good homes to ones like that and as Daz and Tilly said they lead perfectly happy lives. We have one with a kinked spine in our spawn and he's one of the biggest.
  13. Netty

    My Little Donation gorgeous. With the blue in his fins I wonder if he could be Black Orchid.....aren't Melanos pure black?
  14. Netty

    Are They All Girls

    Awwww he sounds lovely. This is the best bit, seeing babies develop into real beauties. You'll have to take lots of pics so you can see the changes. So has little Buggy lol got any colour in her fins or is she white all over?
  15. Netty


    This is one of our babies that lost every bit of red in the space of about a month. I know that Wilson also had this happen recently with one of her babies too. This is him before Xmas And again about a month or so later
  16. Netty

    Are They All Girls

    No probs :good: Hope they grown on nicely for you so they can go into the other tank. You'll have to get some pics of the boy so we can see how he grows. You'll probably end up with a little stunner!!!!
  17. Netty

    Ct Update. 5 Weeks!

    They are looking good. How many do you have? :good:
  18. Netty

    My Little Donation

    Can't see the colouring too clearly but looks like he may be a Black Melano.....he's gorgeous Tilly....that's some donation :wub:
  19. Netty

    Before You All Shoot Me....

    A larger group of females can sometimes help to spread out the aggression more so that it's not always the same one being picked on. It can take weeks for sororities to sort out their pecking order and even then you can sometimes have a very dominant female that causes havoc and ends up having...
  20. Netty

    Are They All Girls

    Lol....the little monster. At least he's given you some more proof now!!!