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    I have a 46 gallon bowfront with 3 Bolivian Rams, 6 Rummynose Tetras, 7 Rasboras, and 6 Burmese Border Loaches. What else could I add to this tank? I'd like to add another school of bigger fish if I have room. Also, what are some suggestions for some bigger peaceful community fish that would get...
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    What Is Growing In My Tank?

    thats correct, it's jelly like white stuff. weird thing is my tank has been set up for quite a while
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    What Is Growing In My Tank?

    This stuff recently started growing in my tank, it's all over everything. I did a 50% water change and cleaned the bottom since I noticed it. Never seen this kind of algae(?) before. What can cause it?
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    Heater Making Noises?

    I'm pretty sure my heater is making noises. The light in the heater has flickered. Now I hear this clicking noise and it's going in unison with the light flicker. Plus, I saw tiny bubbles coming from under the rubber piece on the end. Heater keeps tank at a constant temperature though. Should I...
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    Is This Overstocked?

    I thought of that too, but IME Tiger Barbs usually only harass each other if you have a big enough group.
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    Is This Overstocked?

    Hi I have a 46 gallon tank. Here is what I have stocked in it. 2 Clown Loaches 11 Cory Catfish (3 sterbai, 6 paleatus & 2 orange laser) 1 Angelfish (Koi color) 2 Apistogramma agassizii 3 Bolivian Rams 1 Gold Gourami 1 Pearl Gourami 1 Male Dwarf Gourami 6 Tiger Barbs I know the loaches get big...
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    How Do You Tell If Bolivian Rams Have Paired Up?

    I have 3 Bolivian Rams in a 46 gallon tank, just got them today, hoping to get a pair and give the odd one to my Grandmother's tank. So far there are 2 that almost always end up sticking together, while the other one is mostly to himself, and sometimes tries to fight the other two. However he...
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    Cottony Stuff That Comes In Plant Pots

    Can you leave plants in the little "pot" thing they come in with the cottony stuff in the bottom if you have fish?
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    Hardy Plants?

    I tried some cryptocoryne wendtii (sp) and it didn't do so well. Also tried some corkscrew vallis and they're almost done for. I hear there are some root tabs or something you can put under the plants that fertilizes them. Are these alright for fish?
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    Hardy Plants?

    What are some good hardy plants that don't have any requirements other than a regular fluorescent tube and some gravel substrate? The only plants I can get to live are java fern attached to some wood.
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    Whats This Plant?

    what about if you have a top on your tank?
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    New Clown Loaches Got Ich

    I have a new 46 gallon tank, just finished cycling. I just got 2 clown loaches Friday. For the first couple days they were hiding most of the time, yesterday they started coming out more. They both have about 3 or 4 ich spots on them. I really do not want to put any medication in the tank...
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    Clown Loaches.... Aggressive?

    So, I went to PetSmart yesterday to look at fish. I decided to get a couple clown loaches, and some cory cats. The lady working there asks me what kind of fish I have in my tank. I tell her I have hatchetfish, zebra danios, and dwarf gouramis. She looks at me like I'm stupid and says "You can't...
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    How Can I Stabilize My Ph?

    Ok Thanks. I think I'll just leave my pH alone. Maybe add some driftwood, if that would even bring it down any. Anyone know how I can tell when my tank is completely cycled with a test kit?
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    How Can I Stabilize My Ph?

    I want to start a community tank with rosy barbs, tiger barbs, ram cichlids, corydoras, a pleco or clown loaches. Will peat really turn the water brown? Will it make the pH stable or will it fluctuate all the time?
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    How Can I Stabilize My Ph?

    Hi, I recently started cycling my new 46 gallon tank. My tank and tap water has a pH of 7.9. I would like to get it lower, but don't want to just use a chemical that will cause the pH to fluctuate all the time. Is there any way to do this? Also, how often should you do water changes during...
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    Is This Ph Alright For The Fish I Want To Get?

    Ok, thanks. Should I just use a chemical such as pH down? Would I have to use it every time I do a water change? Forgot to mention my tank is still cycling. This shouldnt have an effect on the pH should it?
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    Is This Ph Alright For The Fish I Want To Get?

    also, what about plecos or clown loaches?
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    Is This Ph Alright For The Fish I Want To Get?

    Hi, my tank has a pH of 7.9, so does my tap water. Will this be alright for south american cichlids, barbs, corydoras, gouramis, and tetras?
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    is there an easy way to tell the difference between male and females?
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    it's a 46 gallon tank, don't have any fish yet, waiting for cycle. But I plan on having some barbs, cory catfish, a pleco, and some other type of schooling fish
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    How many Ram cichlids are recommended as a school in a community tank? 3 or 4?
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    What Kind Of Cichlids Are Good For A Community Tank?

    so do they like to live in groups, or is 2 or 3 fine?
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    Pond Plants?

    I want to snag some anachris out of my koi pond for my fish tank. Can I just rinse it off with warm tap water, or will it still introduce insects or parasites?
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    Do Sand And Gravel Mix?

    I'm setting up a new tank and am interested in having mostly gravel substrate, but a small area with sand for fish like kuhli loaches. Will the sand stay seperated from the gravel, or do I have to have some kind of serperator? Thanks
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    What Kind Of Cichlids Are Good For A Community Tank?

    I just got a new 46 gallon tank and want to set up a community tank. I want a few bigger fish, but not huge fish, just 5 inches long or so. I was thinking of some cichlids, anyone have any suggestions? I'm also thinking of getting clown loaches, kuhli loaches, a plecostomus that stays small...
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    Extremely Fat Rosey Barb

    Cannot isolate the fish. The lumps kind of look hard. Will feed some peas
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    Extremely Fat Rosey Barb

    Scales aren't sticking out, I feed them Tetra tropical granules, the poo is sometimes long and pink looking, stomache does look lumpy. Any ideas what it could be?
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    Extremely Fat Rosey Barb

    Hi I have a Rosey Barb and it looks like it's about to explode. It swims around normal and doesn't act as if anything if wrong with it. It's always been a bit bigger than the others but it has gotten abnormally big looking lately. At first I thought maybe eggs, but it's been several weeks since...
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    Can Ottos Tolerate A Salt Treatment

    Can Ottos tolerate a salt treatment? One of my tiger barbs has a little ich, so I want to add a little salt.
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    Should I Euthanize?

    I have a rosey barb that is over 5 years old and one day be started getting popeye and a white coloring on his head. Then he started getting red streaks on his fins and swollen red sores at the base of his fins. I treated with pimafix for a week and it looked like it went away. Then he lost his...
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    Sores At Base Of Tail Fin And Cloudy Head

    My rosey barb that I have had for 5 or more years is starting to die of old age I think, he was fine last night and this morning the top of his head is a faded cloudy color and he has bloody sores at the base of his tail fin. What can I do?