How Can I Stabilize My Ph?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 8, 2007
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Hi, I recently started cycling my new 46 gallon tank. My tank and tap water has a pH of 7.9. I would like to get it lower, but don't want to just use a chemical that will cause the pH to fluctuate all the time. Is there any way to do this? Also, how often should you do water changes during cycling? And, how do you tell when the tank if fully cycled? I have a test kit.
I want to start a community tank with rosy barbs, tiger barbs, ram cichlids, corydoras, a pleco or clown loaches. Will peat really turn the water brown? Will it make the pH stable or will it fluctuate all the time?
I want to start a community tank with rosy barbs, tiger barbs, ram cichlids, corydoras, a pleco or clown loaches. Will peat really turn the water brown? Will it make the pH stable or will it fluctuate all the time?

Well, I know that Amazon fish, that like a low pH look much better in stained water, oddly enough.
Lots of fishkeepers with tetras, angels and the like put tannin in the water, which helps replicate their conditions, and the brown stained water makes them look more attractive.

I don't know anything about the stability of a peat lowered pH as I have never done it.


(puts eco-mentalist nutter hat on)

Please dont start using peat as there are HUGE problems with peat beds at the moment. Infact in 2010 (I think!) Peat is no longer to be found in any composts due to the peat issues.

(takes hat off and goes to kill lots of weak defenceless animals) - Kidding!!
Ok Thanks. I think I'll just leave my pH alone. Maybe add some driftwood, if that would even bring it down any. Anyone know how I can tell when my tank is completely cycled with a test kit?

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