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  1. K

    Green Mama Shrimp Expecting

    well i got my green shrimp about 3 weeks ago and finally one of the females is carrying eggs, a couple days ago she looked like she had like 20 or more and today only about 5 left. Wondering if she ''gave birth'' already (seems a little soon) or did she lose them does that happend ? can see...
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    What Are These Little Things

    i've had 3 red shrimp (not sure what kind, was told cherry) for about 1 1/2 weeks and all is good i purchased yesterday 1 golden apple snail, 2 zebra snails & 6 green shrimps and there were a few baby shrimp (smaller version of the adults) and today i noticed that there are these little bugs...
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    Cracked Pane In Aquarium

    hi well i got a early x-mas gift today, one of my friends showed up at my door with a fully equipped 33gl tank, that she got for free, great news until i inspect it properly and knowdice this triangle shaped crack in the bottom pane, no idea how it got there.But everything else seems barely...
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    Melafix & Pimafix Vs. Columnaris

    well i was finally ablet o get some antibacterial stuff (mela,pimafix) which is all i'm able to get so.... i'm just wondering a few things before i start treatment(i've been using pure tee tree oil for 2 days since i had nothing else, is this better than what i bought and if the products are...
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    No Melafix

    got a shoker for ya I FOUND MELAFIX and even pimafix at freaking Walmart(after i was told my lfs that was impossible) but after reading all the stuff posted here i'm not sure if i should continue with my pure tee tree oil (i use 1-2 drops mixed with water in my 10gl) or start with the 2 that i...
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    so i bought i fish last week that ended up having columnaris(the store has no garantee on their fish, won't be going there again) and now getting ready to treat it but i'm looking into different meds the ones i've seen are: Furant, maracyn the problem with these is i have some shrimp & snail and...
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    What's This ?

    Did you look at the other pic i posted yesterday, it REALLY dosen't look like ich or what you call whitespot, i've sadly gotten ich before not the same thing at all So can anyone tell me what i should be doing i also have something called ''life bearer'' says eliminates flukes & fish lice...
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    What's This ?

    Can anyone tell what this disease is?
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    What's This ?

    ok so i put the infected female in a gallon fish bowl added a little salt in there i also did a 40% water change in my main tank then added salt & cycle and raised the temp just a little should i do a water change every day or everyother day is there anything else i can do to make sure my...
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    What's This ?

    Sorry i though the spot was pretty obvious the spot is around her top fin and there is no sign of redness around it. I knowdiced something there yesterday but it was so small i didn't make anything of it and today it's 3 times the size i tried to get a pic of closer Please help
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    What's This ?

    I bought this female 4-5 days ago, when i got up this morning she had this big white spot (not ich) Has anyone ever seen this? Is this normal, or a disease? My water stats seems fine, the water is a tinny bit yellowish. I did add a but of tea tree oil 2 days ago, but everybody else seem fine...
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    No Melafix

    I went to 2 pet shops here in quebec and they didn't have any actually had no idea what i was talking about then i found this : so i decided to go witht he pure stuff i actually added the amount that jennybugs said and there is nothing to...
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    No Melafix

    thanks for the info i added the amount you said but i'm wondering does the top of your water get like greasy whiteish, it did that for my smaller tank but not my big one ? is this normal? and does this have any affects on the water quality? will have have to make a water change? thanks
  19. K

    Cherry Shrimp

    Well yesterday i bought my first cherry shrimp(about 1cm) all was good, but this morning i am unable to find him, i don't know what happend. I don't think any tankmates would have eaten him, could they? could he have been sucked into the filter (running 2 right now) he does have a few plants and...
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    No Melafix

    hi well i live in canada and from what i understand i cannot purchse melafix here, so i heard the main ingrediant is tea tree oil, i'm gonna purchase this and i was wondering if anyone knew how much to dilute it, how much to put in my tank i do have pregnant females one of them has piece of...
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    Ich In Tank With Shrimp

    hi i'm no professional but i had ich in my tank with a snail not wanting to take a chance with the med i did a temp raise & added salt and about 10 days later all was gone and has not come back but not sure how this will affect the shrimp Good luck
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    Switching Filters

    hi all well i have a complicated question ok to start off here is my present set up #1 5gl tank with light and (internal)sting ray filter has male betta and small pleco #2 10gl tank with light and aquaclear 20 filter has 2 guppies, snail, small pleco #3 5gl tank empty for for want to make...
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    Don't Know What Happend

    LOL on the csi big fan too ok so should i worry about this, seperate them? I should be getting another female soon to take some of the pressure off of my harriette, will this be enough will be getting melafix or the oil tomorrow so that should give her a hand, Tho within a week with salt the...
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    Don't Know What Happend

    Does everyone agree that they are biting each other or have any other suggestions i started this thread to get info for my guppy and all i get is info on melaleuca Oil, which seems great and all will get some but not much info comming my way :( on my question Anyone??
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    Why Do I Keep Getting Ich?

    Well i had ich before and i have a snail & pleco and they were both fine with the increase temp and salt and about 7-10 days later all was back to normal important to increase temp slowly and decrese slowly also and i added 1tbs for 5 gl and make sure to do a few water changes afterwads to et...
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    Don't Know What Happend

    So the guppies can bite each other? enough to do that much damadged? when i did the switch i transfered everything and all my stat have been fine since i actually usually add a little less salt than they say just in case since i have pleco As long as she's ok and have healthy babies that's all...
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    Don't Know What Happend

    Hi Well i woke up this morning to find a piece of my female guppy's tail & top fin missing looked it up dosen't seem to be fin rot i transfered my tank to larger last week and my male had a little piece of his tail missing(I added a little salt and he's healing well)i assumed that it happend...
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  31. K

    Upgrading Tank

    Well the move when great even if it was a 10gl instead of a 20gl, but my little friends all seem very happy at the extra room the water is nice and clear.0 amonia so i think all should be good So i should wait at lease a week or 2 before i add new fish? thanks
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    Aggressive Betta

    I usually feed him once sometimes twice a day for reflexion when i do put a mirror he puffs up but the rest of the time he goes for us wwhen he sees us on top or stalks us when we walk into a room i have a plant with lots of leaves (where the pleco hides alot) and a pice of wood
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    Upgrading Tank

    Thanks backtotropical with your input the switch should go well keep ya posted
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    Aggressive Betta

    hi all well i've had my new betta friend now for almost 2 weeks and he adapted really well to his new 5gl home compared to the LFS cup i think that's a great move up, anyways i know betta specially male are really aggressive but to what extent, i thought it was great when jumping to get worms...
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    Upgrading Tank

    As for what size and fish was mentionned in my first post 5 gl to 20 gl ''Right now in my 5 gl tank i have a mini pleco,apple snail and 2 guppies (been running for about 3 months) well all my fish would be going in my 20gl but i thought it was good to keep the smaller one going in case i need...
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    Upgrading Tank

    mmm does anyone else have an opinion on this because what KAYLEE is saying is kinda opposite to most of what i have read on this site do i really have to cycle the tank again if i'm tranfering everything into new tank Thanks backtotropical, great info just wondering if i decide to keep my old...
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    Upgrading Tank

    hi all i've been reading up on here the best way to tranfert a tank into a new one. I just want to be sure i'm going about this the right way. From what i understand i have to take the mature sponge cut it in 2 place half in the new filter and rest in old filter and this is where i get a little...
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    Female Guppy

    It's not the male doing the chasing? Is that still normal this far into the pregnancy
  39. K

    Female Guppy

    hi i'm new to gish keeping, i have 2 guppies (1f, 1m)the female was pregnant (seems stage 6-7)when i bought her and for the last 2-3 days she's been acting very agressif darting at the male and running after him, is this normal behavior or is it bcause she's pregnant any info would be great thanks