What's This ?


New Member
Oct 30, 2007
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Quebec, Canada
I bought this female 4-5 days ago, when i got up this morning she had this big white spot (not ich)
Has anyone ever seen this?
Is this normal, or a disease?
My water stats seems fine, the water is a tinny bit yellowish. I did add a but of tea tree oil 2 days ago, but everybody else seem fine
Any input?


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Not been mean here but if you dont have a medical tank setup then i would get that fish flushed down the toilet before you loose the rest of them i had 3 guppies all fall to this infection its not good and highly infectious.

However you can treat it with regular water changes and add salt to your tank it treats the infection and stops it spreading to the other fish
Sorry i though the spot was pretty obvious
the spot is around her top fin and there is no sign of redness around it. I knowdiced something there yesterday but it was so small i didn't make anything of it and today it's 3 times the size
i tried to get a pic of closer
Please help


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ok so i put the infected female in a gallon fish bowl added a little salt in there
i also did a 40% water change in my main tank then added salt & cycle and raised the temp just a little
should i do a water change every day or everyother day
is there anything else i can do to make sure my other fish don't get infected? 2 of my female will be giving birth any time now
There usnt much you can do( sorry), i lost a female to this around 2 week's ago, i used salt daily water changes, and quick cure. Good Luck!
So it a small white spot bigger than whitespot.
Just want to make sure it dosn't resemble a cauliflower or cluster of berries.
If not its bacterial and columnaris spots are really hard to cure.
So it a small white spot bigger than whitespot.
Just want to make sure it dosn't resemble a cauliflower or cluster of berries.
If not its bacterial and columnaris spots are really hard to cure.
Did you look at the other pic i posted yesterday, it REALLY dosen't look like ich or what you call whitespot, i've sadly gotten ich before not the same thing at all
So can anyone tell me what i should be doing
i also have something called ''life bearer'' says eliminates flukes & fish lice. Active ingredients: 0.0-dimethyl, 1- hydroxy, 2-trichoromethyl phosphonate, says to use 1 drop per gallon
can this help my lfs had told me to buy this and it would take care of most stuff with guppies
the only problem with using this is says do not use with invertebrates and i have some new cherry shrimp who i don'T want to damadge
NEWS my other female has something of a spot on her seems more like ich (but not sure since there seems to be a kinda bump with the spot) than the same thing the other had, i'm getting ready to give up on this there is always something wrong even thomy water is always nice and good stats


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The lice and flukes med is for parasites.
You need a bacterial med like maracyn one and two which you can use together, or maracyn plus.

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