Don't Know What Happend


New Member
Oct 30, 2007
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Quebec, Canada
Well i woke up this morning to find a piece of my female guppy's tail & top fin missing
looked it up dosen't seem to be fin rot
i transfered my tank to larger last week and my male had a little piece of his tail missing(I added a little salt and he's healing well)i assumed that it happend in the tranfert
i don't see how this could have happend, there is nothing in the tank she could get caught on and no other agressive fish, except the male that's always after her and she should be giving birth soon
Should i just add a litttle more salt for her to heal
but i'm wondering how this happend
help please


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They are probably biteing eachother. Your stocking look's fine. Did you cycle the tank before the transfer? Only add the recommended dosage of salt. If you want them to heal ever faster try to get a med called Melafix.
They are probably biteing eachother. Your stocking look's fine. Did you cycle the tank before the transfer? Only add the recommended dosage of salt. If you want them to heal ever faster try to get a med called Melafix.

So the guppies can bite each other? enough to do that much damadged?
when i did the switch i transfered everything and all my stat have been fine since
i actually usually add a little less salt than they say just in case since i have pleco
As long as she's ok and have healthy babies that's all that matters
Does anyone else have an opinion?
Thanks kribensis12
The active ingredient in Melafix is Melaleuca oil. You can try 1 drop of melaleuca oil per 5 gallons(in this case I would say half dose since she's pregnant) It works wonders on infections, too!
The active ingredient in Melafix is Melaleuca oil. You can try 1 drop of melaleuca oil per 5 gallons(in this case I would say half dose since she's pregnant) It works wonders on infections, too!

I Never knew that!!!!!!!!!! Where can you buy melaleuca Oil? I might want to stock up on it, as im sure that something is going to go wrong in my tanks! And how much is it?
If it's what I think it is, probably at the chemist. I think you call that drugstore in US.
Apparently you can get clove oil there as well. I can't get hold of any at the LFS, didn't think to check the chemist. I must get some and try it on some feeder fry.
Does everyone agree that they are biting each other or have any other suggestions

i started this thread to get info for my guppy and all i get is info on melaleuca Oil, which seems great and all will get some but not much info comming my way :( on my question
Looks like it might very well be bite marks, but I don't think anybody could say for sure. They probably are biting each other, as I can't think of anything else that looks like that. Are the guppies different sizes?

And for those asking about the Melaleuca Oil; I found out by reading the back of the Melafix bottle before I bought it and happened to have some melaleuca at home so I used that instead. Depending on where you get it, a small bottle would probably seem too expensive to be worth it(especially if you're poor like me) however it works in very small doses, never expires, and has hundreds of uses. I get mine from a mail order company that my mom orders cleaning and medical supplies from. You might find some at your pharmacy(or chemist, somebody said?) and if not look for it online. Make sure to get 100% melaleuca oil! (otherwise we don't know what the rest of the percentage might do!) Use half dose for fry or delicate fish, and you can usually use double dose for very large fish or in SW. Don't use it on your fish more than twice per week!
Korin123456789, yes the guppies bite eachother, becasue all you have is the 2 guppies a apple snail and a mini pleco. The pleco and snail cant bite, so the onyl 2 suspects are also the victims( i watch too much CSI!) . And, Melalucea oil is very important, it will heal your fish.
Korin123456789, yes the guppies bite eachother, becasue all you have is the 2 guppies a apple snail and a mini pleco. The pleco and snail cant bite, so the onyl 2 suspects are also the victims( i watch too much CSI!) . And, Melalucea oil is very important, it will heal your fish.
LOL on the csi big fan too
ok so should i worry about this, seperate them? I should be getting another female soon to take some of the pressure off of my harriette, will this be enough
will be getting melafix or the oil tomorrow so that should give her a hand,
Tho within a week with salt the males tail almost back to normal does this product work better is it as safe (and natural) and can you use this on all kinda of fish
Melafix is indicated for just about anything where there is a wound on a fish. As far as I know, it's safe to use on just about anything. Not sure how it works, but apparently it does.
I edited a typo on my last post; the oil can be used as often as twice per week, and if used regularly as part of your tank maintenance just once per week.
Melafix is great; but it's very specialized and will expire eventually.
If you use melaleuca oil instead it can be used not only for healing and cleansing wounds, but also to remove mould and most funguses, kills most harmful parasites, and promotes healthy plant growth. Also; if you dilute the oil in water(60-80% water) you can add some to any fish food to improve their immune system.
I edited a typo on my last post; the oil can be used as often as twice per week, and if used regularly as part of your tank maintenance just once per week.
Melafix is great; but it's very specialized and will expire eventually.
If you use melaleuca oil instead it can be used not only for healing and cleansing wounds, but also to remove mould and most funguses, kills most harmful parasites, and promotes healthy plant growth. Also; if you dilute the oil in water(60-80% water) you can add some to any fish food to improve their immune system.


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