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  1. L

    Someone Please Help Me :(

    Am i best to keep the light off to reduce stress? I am going to try a small water change when my boyfriend gets home in an hour. Another thing that i just considered is that i suddenly had an increase in algae this week. Not lots but definately noticebly more than normal. Thanks for your reply...
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    Someone Please Help Me :(

    Woke up this morning to find my common plec lying on his back, hes still breathing. Ive had him 2 years with no problems. I do regular water tests n paramaters are all fine. His stomach is sunken but hes not starved. He tried swimming at one point but couldnt very well, he was spinning (around...
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    Id Confirmation Required

    i would say so, a rare find arent they? where did you come across them?
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    Fat Neon

    Also, they have all got a fine black line end the red section. This is meant to be a symptom of NTD right? but they have always been this way, should it have killed them by now? or is NTD something they can suffer with for a long time, like i said ive had them nearly a year. Thanks for your...
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    Fat Neon

    Hey, ive had my neons for almost a year now, the one is fat! it has always been fat! Its very active, has an appetite, seems to swim as though its waddling a bit but doesnt look as though its suffering. I know they can suffer with bloat and constipation but like i said its been like it since day...
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    Kribensis Dorsal Fin .... Super Long!

    Thats good to hear. Ive always had amazing quality stunning looking fish from my LFS. Its the tiniest lil family run store aswell. :D
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    Kribensis Dorsal Fin .... Super Long!

    Thanks for your reply, id say he was about 2inches nose to tail, which isnt that old is it? ive seen a lot bigger at my lfs. Hes very shy, his missus on the other hand is a boisterous lil madam heh.
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    Kribensis Dorsal Fin .... Super Long!

    Ive suddenly noticed the fin on my male Krib has become extremely long. It goes past the tail in length. Is this normal? Im sure it wasnt this long before. This question probably sounds extremely stupid lol. My drawings are not very good, i apologise.
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    Betta In Need Of Help: Update!

    Previously posted topic- Betta in need of help Still havent been able to get him a new tank due to family bereavement :(. Im about to head down to my lfs now for a browse and some melafix(although hes already looking better after water changes and healthy diet). Yesterday i noticed this appear...
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    Betta In Need Of Help!

    Thanks guys! i will be sure to get photos up when hes happy and settled in a new tank. Do i have to let the tank mature before adding him as i did with my other fish? or could i put in water from their tank?
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    Betta In Need Of Help!

    do his fins and condition look healthy? i know the photo aint greatest quality but you guys wud kno what to look out for in terms of health. got him some of them hikari gold pellets this a'noon, gave him a couple a moment ago and he enjoyed them :nod: stalks them, then pounces lol. Hes got a...
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    Betta In Need Of Help!

    Thanks, im looking forward to making him happy. :D Whats the best temp to have the water? Hes quite big (about 1.75 inches) what age would you say he was? thanks
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    Betta In Need Of Help!

    I "rescued" this gorgeous betta from a glass in a local shop, it didnt seem fair it should be kept like that. At the mo hes in a bowl, its all i could find. I am going to go to my lfs tomorrow to buy him a new home i was just hoping you could give me some reccomendations. I do currently have a...
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    Hungry Plec?

    sorry, its 152litre tank, 3ftx2ftx1ft.
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    Hungry Plec?

    Ive done some adjusting and it seems to work! Look how happy she is :rolleyes: Sorry about pic quality, taken on phone lol. I was removing some of the plants to clean yesterday n she was trying to attack me, good sign i think.
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    Hungry Plec?

    thanks i will try that, sounds like it should work. :rolleyes:
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    Hungry Plec?

    Hypostomus pleco
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    Hungry Plec?

    I have a plec in with my breeding kribensis. Is he going to eat the eggs each time theyre produced? I am unsure whether they have produced any yet as it is difficult to see in the caves, they are displaying bredding behaviour tho. I just worry that they are going to breed only to have there eggs...
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    Kribensis Female Breeding?

    Hey i wonder if anyone could give me any advice on if my female is spawning? I can only describe what appears to me skin flap surrounding her genitalia. is this normal? The male and herself spend alot of time in the caves and i sometimes catch them displaying the usual breeding behaviour. hope...
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    My Fish Has Two Tails!

    How cool is this, i bought some black neons today, got home, and noticed that one of them had two tails! not just split down the middle, they are two separate tails, even his black stripe separates in two, he seems happy and swims fine :D i would try and get a pic but i dont think i would get...