Betta In Need Of Help!


New Member
Oct 20, 2007
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I "rescued" this gorgeous betta from a glass in a local shop, it didnt seem fair it should be kept like that. At the mo hes in a bowl, its all i could find. I am going to go to my lfs tomorrow to buy him a new home i was just hoping you could give me some reccomendations. I do currently have a 35gall tank, however its got breeding kribensis in and i guess he wouldnt fair well in there? hope you can help. Thanks

The marks on his face are on the bowl, not him

:good: you're right he is gorgeous.
as long as he is safe and clean in his bowl, it'll keep his stress down while he is relocated.

15L and he'll live a happy life i'd say.
Thanks, im looking forward to making him happy. :D Whats the best temp to have the water? Hes quite big (about 1.75 inches) what age would you say he was? thanks
Well I have my betta at 26C but anywhere between 24-27C would suffice.

Unfortunately I have no idea how old he'd be, someone around here is bound to know though! :)
do his fins and condition look healthy? i know the photo aint greatest quality but you guys wud kno what to look out for in terms of health. got him some of them hikari gold pellets this a'noon, gave him a couple a moment ago and he enjoyed them :nod: stalks them, then pounces lol. Hes got a mighty character :D
It's not a bad picture!
If he does have any nips, he'll be back in pristine condition soon enough now he has been rescued :)
He's a gorgeous colour :good: His caudal fin is looking a bit tatty but that should get better once he's in a better environment with cleaner water. Our Strudel was like that when I got him but over time his fins were looking much better. You could also try some Melafix. We've had really good results with that on our fish :D
We paid about £4.29 at the lfs, so once you add the postage on that one it would be more. You'd probably get it cheaper locally :)
Very nice find!

I agree with the melafix, I use it on all of my fish and it clears up tatty fins very very quickly. You might also want to pick up some aquarium salt.
That is the color of my betta, "Killer." He looks like that when his tank light is off.

When his light is on in his tank, you can see a little bit of red through his fins. That made me worry at first, but looking at all of these other betta pics on this site, it looks kind of normal.

My betta seems to love his 2.5 gallon tank with a filter, but ease him into it. Don't just throw him into a bigger tank right away.
Thanks guys! i will be sure to get photos up when hes happy and settled in a new tank. Do i have to let the tank mature before adding him as i did with my other fish? or could i put in water from their tank?
Thanks, im looking forward to making him happy. :D Whats the best temp to have the water? Hes quite big (about 1.75 inches) what age would you say he was? thanks
bettas are best kept between 78F-82F or 26C-29C or thereabouts. they tend to be more lethargic at lower temps and their immune systems are weaker too.
Thanks guys! i will be sure to get photos up when hes happy and settled in a new tank. Do i have to let the tank mature before adding him as i did with my other fish? or could i put in water from their tank?
betta's don't need to be put into cycled tanks, but if you don't cycle it you will need to do more frequent water changes to begin with(or permanently if you don't have a filter).
If you put 25% from the other tank and then 75% newly treated you shouldn't have a problem :good:
adding water from your old tank will do practically nothing, there is very little good bacteria present in the water itself, as it attaches itself to surfaces. if you move the shells from his current tank, they will probably have bacteria attached which could help colonise the new filter. but be aware that sometimes shells can harden your water.

He's gorgeous btw :good:

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