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    Ram Acting Strange

    i cant be 100% that the one im talking about is female or male how can i tell? she is a lot smaller tho then the other. the tank is a 33 gallon. ive had them in there since saturday.
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    Ram Acting Strange

    ive got two rams one male and one female i think. the problem is the male is always chasing the female away and biting her. so shes always hiding out the way and i don't see her eat much. why is this happening and what what should i do about it? thankyou
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    Any More?

    its called a large spotted plec. or something like that.
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    Any More?

    my tanks 33 gallon. and i have 6 tigerbarbs, 1 severum, 2 rams, 1 red finned shark and plec only 9 inch max plec. could i have any more in there or is that the lot really? thanks guys
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    Hospital Tank

    well ive just bought a hospital tank. with filter and heater. what i was thinking about doing was when there is a sick fish i was going to take 1 of the polyester media out of the main tanks filter then just replace that. and put that in the hospital tank filter. is this the best way of doing it?
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    it worked wonders for the ammonia took that to 0 its just the nitrites that it hasn't seemed to work on
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    didn't do much for me the tank was cycling without them for 2 weeks so i thought i would use them to finish the job off but the nitrites are the same so not that good im afraid.
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    Large Spotted Catfish

    the lady at the shop said it was called a large spoted catfish is this right?
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    Large Spotted Catfish

    hiya just a question about my catfish its very shy and when i put pellets in the tank for it he dont seem bothered about them so i'm abit worried about him starving what should i do about it? thanks
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    Amonia Nitrites

    just a quick question. so once the the tank has cycled and i change 25% of the water each week the amonia and nitrites should stay at 0 is this correct? so no need for chemicals? thanks for any help guys
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    Ideas On Fish To Get?

    at the moment there is 5 tiger barb in there. its a 33 gallon tank. and was cycled without fish just the filter and water changes. water results are ammonia 0 , nitrite 0 , nitrate 10 ph 7,2 does that help?
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    Ideas On Fish To Get?

    i was wondering if you could give me some ideas of fish i could get to mix with tiger barbs? and fish to avoid? tanks for any help guys
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    Tiger Barb Acting Strange

    hiya my first post so i i'll say hi. well the problem is i bought 5 tiger barb today 2 moss tiger barb 2 tiger barb and 1 albino tiger. one of the moss tigers is acting strange he keeps laying on his side floating about the tank, then swims to the top then just drops to the gravel looks like he...