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  1. C

    Female Guppy's Gravid Spot Is Red?

    Thanks Monica!! She's still pooing and three and some hours later. She's on the other side of the tank now though, in the other plants. Now there's like three knows...floating around my tank. I looked for babies and don't see any. Oh well. It was probably about time to clean...
  2. C

    Female Guppy's Gravid Spot Is Red?

    Okay now you all are going to think I'm crazy. She just gave birth to poop. But she's acting like she's birthing. She's hanging out in the corner in the plants, and when either of the other two come at her she chases them out and goes right back into the plants. She took over 10 minutes to get...
  3. C

    Female Guppy's Gravid Spot Is Red?

    No, I mean her gravid spot which used to be black without her having been around any males, was half red yesterday, then two hours later it's fully peach. I'm up and it's morning now, and...well, I'm pretty sure she's still having babies. I guess I kinda thought it would be over sooner. And my...
  4. C

    Female Guppy's Gravid Spot Is Red?

    MY GOD COULD SHE HAVE JUST HAD BABIES?? I posted the first note about two hours ago, and now I go to feed them and her entire gravid spot is peachy colored. No red, NONE of the black that was there before. OH MY GOD. She was in a divided tank!! I would have been more careful if I'd known...
  5. C

    Tankmates For My Guppies

    Excellent, thanks for the suggestion on placement of the heater. Besides my two filters - which are both the type that dump water back into the tank, I also have a bubble wand running on the side of the tank. I heard while cycling that maximum air flow would help get rid of bad stuff faster. So...
  6. C

    Female Guppy's Gravid Spot Is Red?

    Newly established tank - zeros for ammonia & nitrite. My bigger female guppy's gravid spot almost looks like it's bleeding. It's darker towards the top, but bright red at the bottom. Is this bad? Do they have periods? Is the male being too aggressive with her???
  7. C

    Tankmates For My Guppies

    I heard mollies would pick on the guppies because they're smaller. Mom had guppies, mollies, zebras, neons, other very small fish I can't remember, in her tank. Some lived, some died. But it seems every website I check says the PH for two types of fish are different, or one picks on...
  8. C

    Tankmates For My Guppies

    Thanks guys - we live on an island in Japan and the temperature between day and night doesn't even change by 10 degrees. Although I have been looking into getting a heater. At the moment my LPS suggested that I have two filters to help my tank through the nitrite cycle (which people here told me...
  9. C

    Tankmates For My Guppies

    Hey - My tank has just been balanced out - all zeros with ammonia & nitrite. I have a 10 gallon tank, no heater, but the temp stays about 72 degrees. PH is on the higher end, between 7.2 and 7.6. I have one male and two female guppies. One of the females is closer in size to a mollie... and the...
  10. C

    Right Way To Clean Your Filter

    I'd like to know the answer to this one too. (I have a HOB.)
  11. C

    Nitrates Vs. Ph?

    Thanks to everyone who supported me during my time of distress. It's been only a week since my ammonia hit zero and my nitrites are also at zero - YAY!!! I feel so grown up. I will now try and add a few more fish, a few at a time. And hopefully soon, babies!!
  12. C

    Nitrates Vs. Ph?

    PS: It's hard to tell because the color is very faint, but it APPEARS as though my ammonia has reached zero (YAY) By the way, I added fish to my tank (for the first time ever) just over two weeks ago. Does that fit with my ammonia being zero? I think it does. Nitrite is still 1 - not bad, but...
  13. C

    Nitrates Vs. Ph?

    I AM using the "two bottles" method for determining levels of ammonia (I am currently waiting the suggested five minutes for test results). So, what does it mean if I am using the two bottles method???? NEW QUESTION. My guppies colors are changing. The one female I had from my original batch...
  14. C

    Nitrates Vs. Ph?

    Thanks for the tip, Kay, I'll do some checking and see what I can find out. My ammonia has been down around or below 0.25 which makes me happy. Readings are staying about level and I only did one water change yesterday. My newest problem is the mean guppy problem. I'm going to do some checking...
  15. C

    Nitrates Vs. Ph?

    Actually based on my reading, algae also helps with the nitrogen cycle. At the moment our aquarium is on the kitchen table, which is near a window. In about three weeks we'll be moving it (during water change) to the kitchen. It will be against a wall with indirect sunlight, controlled by sun...
  16. C

    Nitrates Vs. Ph?

    Okay - don't mess with the PH, got it. This whole thing started when I got a PH testing kit because I thought PH and nitrates were related. At that time my PH read 7.6. I just figured jeeze, if my PH AND all that other stuff was off, I was really in bad shape. But rest assured, I won't be PHing...
  17. C

    Nitrates Vs. Ph?

    I got my test kit. Tonight my Ammonia was 1.7, Nitrite 0.5, Nitrate 3, and PH 7.8. I did a two gallon (of 10 gallons) water change, with drops to bring down PH, and drops to even out chlorene, and my Ammonia dropped to 1.3. Everything else stayed the same. My younger female died yesterday...
  18. C

    Nitrates Vs. Ph?

    It's depressing cause my "healthy" female keeps hanging out down by the sick one. She doesn't nip at her or anything, just hangs out by her for a while. Poor thing! Anyway we'll go ahead and order the stuff from Amazon. We're living in Japan with the military - we have a pet shop on base but...
  19. C

    Nitrates Vs. Ph?

    Thanks for the input. Now this. My sick guppy is only breathing intermitantly at this point (every now and then). She did come up to eat (I feed them a TEENY bit once a day) but then quickly resumed her position at the bottom of the tank, laying upright, but on the rocks. I'm guessing she's...
  20. C

    Nitrates Vs. Ph?

    Okay. I went back to my LPS today (I'm a fish nerd now?!) and met up with a guy who kinda spoke English - he did pretty good. Anyway he first told me I needed to clean and or replace my filter filler thingie. I said no. *shrug* He said maybe nitrates. So he offered to test my water. Later that...
  21. C

    Nitrates Vs. Ph?

    Well I found out too late about the whole cycling thing despite intensive research prior to getting the fish. I started with 10 neons (LPS special), a plecostamus, and three guppies. I'm down to my two female guppies, and one of the females (they've both lost their first pregnancies) looks like...