Female Guppy's Gravid Spot Is Red?


New Member
Oct 2, 2007
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Newly established tank - zeros for ammonia & nitrite.

My bigger female guppy's gravid spot almost looks like it's bleeding. It's darker towards the top, but bright red at the bottom. Is this bad? Do they have periods? Is the male being too aggressive with her???

I posted the first note about two hours ago, and now I go to feed them and her entire gravid spot is peachy colored. No red, NONE of the black that was there before. OH MY GOD. She was in a divided tank!! I would have been more careful if I'd known!!

Okay, someone post an opinion or I'm going off the deep end here. I'm going to go feed them again.
They don't have periods.

I am not sure what will have caused this problem (or indeed if there is a problem), but the best advice I can give is to stop fussing over her and don't keep feeding her. Especially if it is a newly established tank.

Keep an eye on her and see if there are any more signs then post again.
one of my females always went red either when i just turned the light on and just before she gave birth, mostly it was due to the lighting
No, I mean her gravid spot which used to be black without her having been around any males, was half red yesterday, then two hours later it's fully peach. I'm up and it's morning now, and...well, I'm pretty sure she's still having babies. I guess I kinda thought it would be over sooner.

And my tank has leveled off but I was still only feeding them once every other day.

Now I can see a bit of "brown" in her bottom but it's mostly peach.
Okay now you all are going to think I'm crazy. She just gave birth to poop. But she's acting like she's birthing. She's hanging out in the corner in the plants, and when either of the other two come at her she chases them out and goes right back into the plants. She took over 10 minutes to get this turd out and it was enormous. Not that I want to have a poo conversation, but jeeze, maybe she was constipated? I read about that when I was starting up my tank, too. Oh man...I'm not cut out for this.
lol, sorry, it was just hillariously funny reading this post.

RELAX , your female will most likely be fine. Guppies are the hardest fish in the world to kill. Especially the females. She probably just was at the wrong angle and in the light or something, and if she did have babies, you would see a few. So dont worry too much about it. Your female will get over whatever it is :D
Thanks Monica!!

She's still pooing and three and some hours later. She's on the other side of the tank now though, in the other plants. Now there's like three enormous...you knows...floating around my tank. I looked for babies and don't see any.

Oh well. It was probably about time to clean out the water anyway... :)

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