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  1. Unicyclist


    Female guppies would probably help. How big is your tank?
  2. Unicyclist

    Algae Growing Fast!

    I have revently obtained a 20 gal long aquarium. In the last week algae has started to grow at a rapid pace! It is reddish brown in color and i believe it is brown algae. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to get rid of the algae? :no:
  3. Unicyclist

    Webcam View Ov My Tank!

    wow! i should get one of those for my tank! awesome! :good:
  4. Unicyclist


    Croy Catfish are good schooling fish. Because your tank is 40 gallons you would be able to have a large school which will give you a lot of movement in your tank. :shifty:
  5. Unicyclist

    Used 90 Gallon Tank

    You can use almost anything to clean your tank. Just make sure that you completely rinse the tank out after you have cleaned it. I have used bleach before to clean my tank. It is all in how well you rinse it out.
  6. Unicyclist

    New 20 Gallon Long

    How many more TBs are we talking about? Because i want to have other fish in the tank as well.
  7. Unicyclist

    New 20 Gallon Long

    I was thinking of getting some Zebra Danios. What is a BN? Blue Naggot? :huh: I heard those were exotic!
  8. Unicyclist

    New 20 Gallon Long

    Hello, 8) I have a 20 gallon long tank with five tiger barbs in it. The tigers dominate the tank and have killed any fish I have put into the tank. :crazy: What fish can be added and live. Also there is some algae in the tank and I was wondering if anything compatible would take care of...
  9. Unicyclist

    Good Starter Fish

    I have had several ten gallon tanks, and in almost every one I had some Zebra Danios. They should not get much longer than 1.5 inches so if you got several it should be fine. Definatly don't get the tiger barbs, but maybe you could get some Platies. They seem to be fairly easy to care for.
  10. Unicyclist

    Small Tank, Small Fish

    Hello, It has been several years since my last tank. I am wanting to try to start a small six gallon fish tank. I realize that this size is extremly small, and that nothing except a betta should be kept in it. However I have heard of people keeping some successful tanks that were this size...