New 20 Gallon Long


New Member
Sep 27, 2007
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Hello, 8)

I have a 20 gallon long tank with five tiger barbs in it. The tigers dominate the tank and have killed any fish I have put into the tank. :crazy: What fish can be added and live. Also there is some algae in the tank and I was wondering if anything compatible would take care of some of the algae.

Any Suggestions? :huh:
They are regarded as fin nippers so don't put anything with long fins with them and think they could pick on slower moving fish.

My tank has 9 TBs in there and they don't bother the danios and the BN's. Although, I wouldn't put baby fish in there if you've got adult TBs
I was thinking of getting some Zebra Danios. What is a BN? Blue Naggot? :huh: I heard those were exotic!
I was thinking of getting some Zebra Danios. What is a BN? Blue Naggot? :huh: I heard those were exotic!

BN's are bristle nose plecos, a type of algea eater :good: Zebora danios should be ok, but need a minimum length of 75cm for their tank due to their activeness.

Get your a few more tb's and aggression will decrease :) also adding more decor to break up the line of sight can help.
How many more TBs are we talking about? Because i want to have other fish in the tank as well.

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