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  1. K


    Im in the process of cycling a 20 gallon tank and getting everything sorted out. Im looking into getting a few shell-dwelling cichlids, in particular Lamprologus meleagris, or Lamprologus occelatus. The only shell-dweller's I can find locally are Neolamprologus multifasciatus, but they aren't...
  2. K

    "freshwater" Stonefish

    no one? :-(
  3. K

    "freshwater" Stonefish

    I had another question. I'm moving this weekend and wanted to know the best way to trasport my 55g and stonefish. It's only about 10-15min away. I'm guessing just put him in a large bucket, or bag very carefully. I'm mostly worried about the water. I know I'll have to drain the tank, but I...
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    125g Stocking

    Thanks for the help Marine/Freshwater? and Fella :D I think i'll look into getting an eel ;)
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    125g Stocking

    Thanks for the info :D I might get another tank for some puffers, maybe a 55g? Went to the LFS a few days ago and they had some morays in a tank. I saw the sign thing and started looking for them. They were in corners and sticking there heads out of some rocks with holes :lol: One even had a...
  6. K

    Need Help With Bumblebee Gobies And Brackish Setup

    Sorry for the trouble, just did a quick search on google for some info, shoulda looked a bit longer :blush: Next time I'll try to make sure the info I give is accurate :unsure:
  7. K

    Need Help With Bumblebee Gobies And Brackish Setup

    Correct me if im wrong but I think 5.5g is too small for more than one bbg :( Depends on which bumble bee goby your getting, some are freshwater and some are brackish :sly: I think Brachygobius xanthozona is a brackish species. So try and find out which one it is :D Not sure about how much...
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    125g Stocking

    Hey everyone, sorry if this has already been asked somewhere, but I was wondering if some fish would be compatable together. I'll be getting a 90-125g (125 hopefully) in a few months and I'm hoping to make it a brackish tank. Here are some of the fish I was wanting, I know some wont be able to...
  9. K

    "freshwater" Stonefish

    Thanks again clareandkarl :good: Hopefully he'll eat them :hyper:
  10. K

    "freshwater" Stonefish

    Thanks for the info Fella and clareandkarl :D That thread was helpful :) If i feed him earthworms do i just put them in the tank? I'll try the whitebait and prawn :nod:
  11. K

    "freshwater" Stonefish

    Sorry if this is the wrong spot or this has already been asked :huh: Does anyone have any basic information about them? Hes in a 55g by himself, and about 6in and fat, I was wondering what would be best to feed him. I've been using feeder fish (just now found out thats a bad idea :crazy: ). I...
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    90g Tank Stocking

    Sorry for the late response :blush: Thanks for the advice nelly and jayjay :hyper:
  13. K

    90g Tank Stocking

    Sorry if this has already been asked, but im getting a 90g aquarium in a few months and had some questions about compatability. Would some of these fish fit/get along in the tank: Severum, Red Blood Parrot, Firemouth, Jewel Cichlid, Jack Dempsey, and some cory's. Or some others that could...