"freshwater" Stonefish


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
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Sorry if this is the wrong spot or this has already been asked :huh:

Does anyone have any basic information about them? Hes in a 55g by himself, and about 6in and fat, I was wondering what would be best to feed him. I've been using feeder fish (just now found out thats a bad idea :crazy: ). I put in an earthworm and it ended up by his little cave. He bit it once and then spat it out :sad: im not sure if its because he wasnt hungry or he was scared of it.

Also what would be the ideal temperature, ph, and SG?

Would there be any tankmates that coul survive? He seems to eat everything that goes in the tank :-(

Just want the best for my fish ;)

Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance for the help :)
We kept ours with dragon gobies, although be careful if you do keep them as they need finely chopped food, and it needs to be left in for a couple of days as in the wild they eat rotting decaying particles from fish in the water.
I presume your fish is Allenbatrachus Grunniens?? We fed ours mainly whitebait, sometimes you can use a feeding stick and wiggle the whitebait in front of it making it look alive, it`s worked for us before.
We also fed prawn and cockle, but as the lionfish or grunting toadfish as they are known, is an ambush predator they will noy usually take dormant food from the bottom.
Beware of the spines, they are poisonous, only as bad as a wasp sting to us, but some people are allergic.
Specific gravity can vary as they are an estuarine fish and we kept ours at around 1.006, the parameters of 1.005 - 1.015 are acceptable.
Thanks for the info Fella and clareandkarl :D

That thread was helpful :) If i feed him earthworms do i just put them in the tank? I'll try the whitebait and prawn :nod:
Just rinse earthworms under the tap to get the mud off, then put them straight in the tank yes, best of luck.
Thanks again clareandkarl :good: Hopefully he'll eat them :hyper:
I had another question. I'm moving this weekend and wanted to know the best way to trasport my 55g and stonefish. It's only about 10-15min away. I'm guessing just put him in a large bucket, or bag very carefully. I'm mostly worried about the water. I know I'll have to drain the tank, but I dont know how to go about refilling it. If i just dechlorinate new water and add salt, that wouldnt be enough would it? I dont want my fish to die, ive had it for at least 2 years. Thanks in advance for the help.
lol though i have never kept these guys, i know a guy in Australia who keeps them, and he chooses Crayfish, redclaw to be exact, as tank mates. they handle the brackish water no problem. the two seem to be aware of each others strengths. as yet he has not mentioned any problems between the two. most other thing sem to vanish though!

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