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  1. X

    Am I Paranoid? Fungal Crap On Betta Lady

    It seems that I have been having little problems with my two female bettas from a certain store ever since the beginning. Now, my girl Lethe has something suspicious on her "chin" area. Over the past few days I have noticed a strange bump that has now grown into what looks like something fungal...
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    Going After Food Between The Rocks

    That is a toughie. Do you think you could get pictures of the rocks?
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    One Of My Girls Is Sick

    I'm sorry she had to die. But what does "very gutted" mean?
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    Yay My New Guy....

    Wasn't Odysseus a Greek mythological character?
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    Some Of Fooshies!

    That is such an awesome set up! I wish I could provide that kind of environment for my fish some day but I'm afraid I'd screw something up.
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    New Bettas

    Haha. Betta army. I have four now but I may have a growing "army" as I rescue bettas from the horrible pet store. The last time I was there, one of the betta males had jumped from his tiny cup into another's tiny cup and one of them pretty much got murdered by the time I was there to notice. And...
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    Is It Not Bad To House Bettas In Your Bedroom

    All my fish are in my bedroom too. It is getting to be known as "the fish and cat room". I have two cats who spend a lot of time in my room as well. (but don't worry, the fish are in safe places where the cats can't get to. They're also softy cats who wouldn't eat a [live] fish if it landed on...
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    Betta Cataracts!?

    I have three betta ladies (living peacefully I might add) in one tank. They are all healthy, except for Lethe, who has recently developed small, hard to notice gray filmy dots on her eyes. I looked it up and it might be cataracts. I don't know how this could have happened. The water is always...
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    Unknown Deaths

    This is going to be the dumbest post in the thread, but does anyone else have access to your bettas? Maybe someone knowingly or unknowingly hurt them?
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    Betta Pics

    Hmmm. Here's some old ones of my guy Kurenai. Annndd I think I posted this newer one before but it is one of my favorites (although I wish the quality was better) Here is Mnemosyne. She has something strange on her face but I'm wondering if she was just born like that.
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    Some Of My Females

    Ah, your white ones look similar to my Lethe.
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    My New Arrival - I Think I May Have Picked A Name

    Man. I would give him a name from his native Thailand. But if you want a name from that list, I'd choose Dante (the divine comedy, etc.). I'm not sure, but Aroon apparently means dawn. His colours are kind of like the brief pink and dark trees of twilight. You might want to look that up though.
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    The Horror Betta's Life!

    Sometimes I wonder if bettas are one of the most abused pet fish in the world. People are told it's normal to keep them in tiny amounts of water. They're also told that bettas are "hardy", leaving the average idiot under the impression that it's ok to slack on their water changes. The pet store...
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    New Girl With Swollen Stomach

    Well, I guess it might be totally normal since she seems to be healthy and happy. But I just have this irrational fear of her stomach exploding.
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    New Girl With Swollen Stomach

    Hello, I hope I'm not being a total noob here. I already searched a bit for a topic addressing the same problem, but I couldn't find one that is just like mine. Am I just paranoid? I just got two sweet little crown tail (I think) girls yesterday. They are in a 3 gallon tank (with no...