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    I have done a 90% water change and cleaned my tank. Will try turning my lights off through the day and just put them on when we are at home to see it I will also buy some real plants asap. Thank you so much for your advice. Linda
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    I don't have any live plants and my tank is not in direct sunlight. My male guppy's tail is diminishing by the day, he now looks like a female. i'm worried about him
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    can anyone advise me what to do?, my tank has got lots of algae all of a sudden, my white gravel has gone green and the glass is green too. What is causing this? what do I do to get rid of it? Do I need to get rid of it or is it a good sign? any advice will do. Thanks in advance Linda :sick...
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    New Babies

    My female guppy has had 4 babies this morning. by this afternoon there are only two (i think she has eaten two of them)so I have put them into a net breeder to keep them safe and left the mother in the plastic floating breeding tank. Is this the right thing to do? Will she have any more now or...
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    Nitrite Too High?

    Thanks for that info guys, I did a water change about 2 hours ago, just tested the water again and is slightly better, I will change again tonight and then in morning as instructed. Thanks for your help. xx
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    Nitrite Too High?

    Here goes I have bought the API liquid test kit, results are: Ammonia 0.25 Nitrite 2.0 Nitrate 5.0 PH 7.6 Should I be doing daily water changes with water conditioner going into the new water?
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    Nitrite Too High?

    No I did not do a fishless cycle (wish I had) I bought the tank and set it up and ran it as instructed, adding filter start every other day.then added fish about day 7 then a week later added some more. I did have water tested by local fish shop at this point who advised me to do a weekly 25%...
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    Nitrite Too High?

    I have just tested my water with a tablet that came with my tank kit. I have been doing a 25% water change every other day and the results are off the chart. it is shocking pink and I am worried that I am doing something drastically wrong. Any quick solutions please as I have fish to look after.
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    Tiny Air Bubbles

    I have this problem, I thought it was bits of gravel at first, someone with better eyesight than me noticed that they were in fact air bubbles coming from my filter. I have a PF1 internal power filter. otherwise my water is crystal clear too.
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    Tank Temp

    Please can anyone enlighten me as to what the ideal temp should be? I have guppies and tetras. Thanks in advance
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    Fish Eyes

    Thank you so much. My mind is at rest...
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    Fish Eyes

    :crazy: Hi can anyone help me, My guppies eyes seem to be completely black (all pupil and no iris visible), she is pregnant and I have put her in the breeding tank as she looks set to drop any day. Today though her eyes seem normal (pupils and iris visible) but I have noticed that two of my...
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    Gravel Question

    I washed my gravel thoroughly, swishing it around and sieving until it ran clear. two days later after these white bits didn't disappear I emptied my tank, washed the gravel again and lo and behold - the bits came back again. I have been adding my fish slowly and taking samples to the aquatic...
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    Gravel Question

    I have 6 female guppies 2 male guppies 6 black phantom tetras 4 neon tetras I can see that it is definately not poop. While using a vaccum syphon to do a water change, I am noticing that I am disturbing a white cloud from gravel and it is going up the syphon in little clouds. I am beginning to...
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    Cloudy Water!

    Hi, My tank was cloudy for a few days until i realised that I had totally submerged the filter and should have had the top bit out of the water. next morning it was crystal clear.
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    Gravel Question

    Hi, Just registered so I could ask this question. I set up my aquarium 3 weeks ago and have put white gravel in, the problem is that I have white snowy bits floating around my tank. it does look a bit like air bubbles but is definately not. Can anybody tell me if this is normal, will it clear...