

New Member
Aug 21, 2007
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can anyone advise me what to do?, my tank has got lots of algae all of a sudden, my white gravel has gone green and the glass is green too.
What is causing this?
what do I do to get rid of it?
Do I need to get rid of it or is it a good sign?
any advice will do.
Thanks in advance
Linda :sick:

my lovely male guppy has a slit in his tail which is getting wider, it looks like he has two tails. Is this fin rot? I havent noticed anyone bullying him.
It might be BGA (Blue green algae) maybe? Take a look at this excellent page by JamesC and see if you can identify the type of algae. Also, it would really help to know what your tank is like - how much lighting (wattage), how big the tank is etc.

As for the split in your guppies tail, it doesn't sound good. Can you snap a picture?
If sunlight is hitting ur tank that thats the problem. We need some more info about tank size and what fish in it?
snails :good: great algae cleaners. better yet get an algae scrapper. that should solve all your problems.

do you have live plants?
I don't have any live plants and my tank is not in direct sunlight.
My male guppy's tail is diminishing by the day, he now looks like a female.
i'm worried about him
first i would clean everything then i would buy either snails or bristlenose catfish and add some live plants.
Live plants would reduce your nitrate level and in time can out-compete the algae for these nutrients. Some plants use more than others, you perhapd want to look at the likes of hygrophilia polysperma - there's a link to someone selling this stuff here - Tropical Fish Forums > General > Buy Sell and Swap! > Hygrophilia Polysperma And Cabomba

Breaking your lighting regime works a treat - algae can't store energy in the same way as plants and needs large periods of continuous light to thrive. If you've your lights on for 10-12 hours straight then I imagine that's your problem. Try two periods of four hours with a two hour break in the middle.

Snails are good, more so as they get older, but if you've loaches in your tank don't bother, they'll just make for an expensive lunch. Personally I find nerite snails are amazing for the job but they'll probably not clear it all. I believe the waste they produce is good for fry too!?

If your tank is small then plecs and the like aren't necessarily the way forward as they produce a terrific amount of waste, they have a small gut and yes, eat a lot, but it literally goes in one end and out the other.

Reducing your nitrate levels and playing with your lighting regime would be your best option in the first instance, IMO - it would attack the underlying problem rather than just treating the symptoms. As for your guppy, if it's a tear from fighting or similar I'd get some Melafix in your tank to help avoid any infection.
I have done a 90% water change and cleaned my tank.
Will try turning my lights off through the day and just put them on when we are at home to see it
I will also buy some real plants asap. Thank you so much for your advice.

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