Cloudy Water!

Ok i'v done m tests and heres the results.

Ph: 8.0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 110
Ammonnia: 0

Ph: 8.0
Nitrite: 0.1
Nitrate: 110
Ammonnia: 0

So my nitrate isnt that good?
and my ph is high? I want acidic?
What can I do to help my tank? And its still cloudy but could be clearing up very slightly.
Ammonia is good, nitrite should be 0, your nitrate is quite high. To make your water more acidic you could add some bogwood to your tank or filter some peat. This won't have an imediate affect but it should bring your pH down.

Ok i'v done m tests and heres the results.

Ph: 8.0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 110
Ammonnia: 0

Ph: 8.0
Nitrite: 0.1
Nitrate: 110
Ammonnia: 0

So my nitrate isnt that good?
and my ph is high? I want acidic?
What can I do to help my tank? And its still cloudy but could be clearing up very slightly.
At the moment your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate stats are rather meaningless as you haven't added any ammonia to start the cycling off. I would highly recommend you get a fishless cycle going using the add and wait method from the link in my sig. Also, read all the pinned articles at the top of this forum and the tropical chat one. Did you use a liquid test kit to get the results above or one of the paper strips? You need the liquid tests if you want to fishless cycle. The main advantage of fishless cycling is that no fish are harmed, you can fully stock your tank the day you finish cycling (if you're feeling brave) and it's a far quicker way to get to a full tank than using fish to do it. In a fishless cycle you are replicating fish pooing and weeing in the tank (no. 1s and no. 2s break down to ammonia) by adding liquid ammonia from a bottle. Your pH is fine, don't worry about it until after your tank is cycled, it will swing all over the place in a new tank and the vast majority of fish do not need the exact pH conditions quoted in books. The cloudiness will also go of its own accord, don't rush out and buy a UV steriliser as in a well balanced, mature and well maintained tank you won't need one.

good luck


ps nitrate ideally should be below 50ppm. In your case it is high because you don't have a lot of plants (which use it), or bacteria in your filter to break it down and you probably aren't doing regular water changes yet + it might be quite high from your tap itself
Oh thanks for all the information and I shall grab some ammonia from my LFS.
Im new to the hobby and the forums. Yesterday I bought my first tank which is 90 Litres. I am using a fluval 2 plus filter (which came with the tank.)
I have a air pump and heater with it. And yesterday I added two things which came with the tank which were to formula's 1. increasing the bateria and 2. helping to remove chlorine from the water. And today I wake up to find my tank water cloudy!!! I got worried and began reading my book and discovered tthat I had planted my plants wrong! I had left the brown coating around the roots. So I replanted them this morning in the correct way. And now I have no Idea what to do about the cloudy water. Please could I have some advice.

Hi, My tank was cloudy for a few days until i realised that I had totally submerged the filter and should have had the top bit out of the water. next morning it was crystal clear.

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