Search results

  1. AshleySpatula

    Angel Fins

    I have seen angel fish fins in different lengths. is this different types of angel fish or is it just random? I only like the ones with the shorter fins, I have three and when I got them they were mixed with others that had long fins. The ones I have fins are rounded on the top not pointy...
  2. AshleySpatula

    Good Scource Of Driftwood?

    hmmmm... I don't know if we have oak trees here in AZ, if so they are most likely brought in from somwhere else (like the palm trees lol) and aren't that old or either taken care of. We do have a lot of mesquite trees. would old mesquite work? are there certain trees I should stay away from...
  3. AshleySpatula


    Now I am not saying this is ok in any way, because I DID argue with my roommate for a while trying to get him to move his little red crab from the petstore out to a new tank with some dry land. He simply refused to. But in his case the crab did eat some fish, but also molted about once a month...
  4. AshleySpatula

    5 Gallon Tank For Shrimp Substrate

    cant you get pretty cheap sand at like home depot or any place that does landscaping? I heard silica sand or what the use to put under above ground pools is fine.
  5. AshleySpatula

    Why I don't want to work at a fish store.

    Now that is just sad, the owner should know better! I bought fish at wal- mart once when I was like 15 and the lady actually grabbed the fish from the net with her hand and threw it into the bag. that was about after 10 minutes of chasing a GOLDFISH around (a lot slower than tetras) I even...
  6. AshleySpatula

    Lost Interest

    What kind of fish do you currently have? maybe if you have room and they work with your current stock, add a few fish with a little more personality?
  7. AshleySpatula

    Good Scource Of Driftwood?

    OK but am I the only person that thinks that driftwood is a) pretty hard to find, and b) too expensive? Petco here used to have a huge tank full of just water and driftwood, you could pick anything you wanted for various prices. the selection was not THAT great but other than that it was too...
  8. AshleySpatula

    Water Evaporation

    I live in Arizona and I loose a lot of water due to evaporation. I do weekly to bi weekly water changes and loose easily a couple inches between each change and I do have an all glass canopy I used to add dechlor water but now that I change my water more often... I just wait for it to get a...
  9. AshleySpatula

    Eco Complete

    Thanks for the reply john, thats what I was hoping to hear :) trying to wash out the was such a pain and still when I move anything around I get cloudy water :( Will the 20lb bag be enough for my 29g? I believe it is a tall
  10. AshleySpatula

    Eco Complete

    does it need to be washed like other gravel? I hear it comes in liquid, like black water or something so can I just put it in and fill up the tank?
  11. AshleySpatula

    Need Help!

    no opinions?
  12. AshleySpatula

    Q About My Ram

    My 20g is only about 15 inches high but right now the angel is literally 2.5 inches tall with fins. I have a 29g tall that is in the process of being set up so that will be done long before he outgrows his current surroundings. I hope that it's a m/f pair I posted pics here of the two rams...
  13. AshleySpatula

    Need Help!

    ok here are some photos maybe someone can tell me for sure if I have a male and a female or two males again: FEMALE MALE sorry for the crappy photos, the first one the fish was near the filter so those are bubbles in the water not trash flecks
  14. AshleySpatula

    Need Help!

    This is an extension to a thread that should have been here in new world cichlids but I posted in new to the hobby Previous Thread The male ram I had before is now chasing the 'female' and the new little angel... is this normal or is he just a bully?
  15. AshleySpatula

    Q About My Ram

    Ok I got my test kit today and my stats were: ammonia- 0 nitrite- 0 nitrate- 10 PH- 7.6 Which from what I know is pretty good right? So I went back to the fish store that I purchased the rams from and picked out what I believe is a female. BUT he chases 'her' a lot too!!! I REALLY don't...
  16. AshleySpatula

    My First Test Results

    Well I currently have black neon tetras a gold ram glowlight danios and a few otos the temp was turned up a long time ago when I had an ich outbreak, I used clout, which didn't work then read about a method of raising the temp and adding aquarium salt. I did that and have not had ich since...
  17. AshleySpatula

    My First Test Results

    and my temp looks to be at around 84 F if that makes any difference I got a new thermometer too because I found the strip hard to read
  18. AshleySpatula

    My First Test Results

    I purchased the master kit today and ran my first tests! these were my results: Ammonia- 0 Nitrite- 0 Nitrate- 10 PH- 7.6 does this all sound good/normal?
  19. AshleySpatula

    Who"s Scared Of Snails

    mine don't take care of algae :( I don't mind them too much because they only come out in the dark but I have never seen the snail rain! mine don't do it ah well, I think this weekend I will try to take a go at the shrimp... I'll start with ghosts first to see if they can live in peace! I...
  20. AshleySpatula

    Who"s Scared Of Snails

    200 shrimp in a 20g?? wow! lol I have tons of MTS and also the 'revolving gravel' lol I was thinking about getting some shrimp but don't know if my fish would bother/eat them :unsure:
  21. AshleySpatula


    I heard you should not actually boil them because if there are air pockets inside the rock they could explode and hurt you. and that would be bad! I found rocks in the dry river wash/basin whatever it is and just scrubbed them with a brush under really hot faucet water then let them dry a few...
  22. AshleySpatula

    Help With Lighting

    I just recently bought a 20 inch 40 watt light for my 20g and if your 10 is the same size as my 10 then the 20 inch would fit on there. I paid about 65-70$ for it with shipping so it was a bit pricey but it is so worth it. if you get pre- made lighting thought I would suggest an all glass hood...
  23. AshleySpatula

    Q About My Ram

    Oh no they aren't the mystery snails they are Malaysian trumpet snails. The long cone looking ones, they mostly live in the gravel. they don't eat my plants so I wouldn't really say they are pest snails but they do reproduce like crazy! I remember it started with one tiny one, less than a cm...
  24. AshleySpatula

    Q About My Ram

    Ok, definitely will do. I think I saw a master test kit for like 30$ so thats not too bad. I also had another question. My tank has a lot of MTS, I mean a LOT. Whenever I look at the gravel I see bits moving all over from the little snails under there. Is it bad to have so many snails? They...
  25. AshleySpatula

    Q About My Ram

    I only have the liquid ammonia test, I need to get a master test. My ammonia reads 0 the box it came in though says ammonia NH3/NH4+ test kit so I thought when I bout it, it was for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates but it doesn't tell me any way to read the latter two. I have had the tank up...
  26. AshleySpatula

    Q About My Ram

    I purchased what I thought was a pair of gold rams. I am very sad that one of my two new rams died. I believe that I got two males and the larger one basically beat the smaller one up till he died. How important is it to have a pair? These fish are hard to come by here and he seems to be doing...
  27. AshleySpatula

    Bloodworm Feeders

    Can those little cone bloodworm feeders be used for the frozen worms? some of them say 'live bloodworm feeder'
  28. AshleySpatula

    Good Algae Eating Fish?

    Thanks for the info, My tetras were not shoaling at all until I added the rams. now even the two danios shoal with them, It's crazy :) I was thinking ottos too.
  29. AshleySpatula

    Good Algae Eating Fish?

    I have a 20g (US) with six black neon tetras, 2 glowlight danios and two golden rams I have tons of snails but they are all MTS and don't clean the glass at all I am working on adding more plants. (just ordered proper lighting) I will be adding at least 4 more glowlight danios (when I find...
  30. AshleySpatula

    Taiwan Bitterling?

    can't find a whole lot of info but they look cool... whats their temperament like? does anyone have experience with this fish? thanks!
  31. AshleySpatula

    Gold Rams

    yeah I tried freeze dried blood worms the big ones seems to be taking the but the small one keeps spitting them out. I will see what my lfs has tomorrow
  32. AshleySpatula

    Gold Rams

    Thank you for the reply, I am just going to get a few more danios and a few more tetras! They look like they aren't eating, The rams, go after the food, inhale it the spit it out in bits, I am still just using the flake food that I have been feeding the tetras. Should I get a special food for...
  33. AshleySpatula

    Gold Rams

    I got a pair of gold rams yesterday, they seem to be doing good so far, eating well and such but I had a few questions 1. I have a bit of a snail problem, MTS crawling all over everything, but I noticed since the rams got here they peck at them and now they are no longer on the glass or the...
  34. AshleySpatula

    Long White Worm?

    anyone know what these are?
  35. AshleySpatula

    Long White Worm?

    well i would do that... but just like the trumpet snails, as soon as i turned the light on it retreated back to the gravel and i havent seen it since. :( i did a little google searching and found this pic which is the closest to what i could find...
  36. AshleySpatula

    Long White Worm?

    fish look fine, no worms on fish, it didnt have a forked tail just long skinny and white...
  37. AshleySpatula

    Long White Worm?

    i dont think it's planaria. those seem to be more thick bodied. this worm was a little over an inch long and had a thread like body. very thin. it was all white, and the only way i could tell the head from the tail was the direction it was moving. any idea on what it could be??
  38. AshleySpatula

    Long White Worm?

    i went on vacation for five days, my roommate told me he would feed my fish and turn the lights on and off every day, he can be forgetful so i dropped in one of those 3 day feeder tablets just in case. i come back and the light is off in the middle of the day, he said he forgot just today to...
  39. AshleySpatula

    Huge Black Neon

    for some reason petsmart has the biggest black neon tetras ever. they are the same size everywhere else i bought one today and now that he's with the rest he is like twice their size... whats up with that?
  40. AshleySpatula


    i'm sorry but you totally lost me about halfway through that lol how do i fing the starter? i have heard of these t8 and t5 bulbs but whats the difference with them and my current one? i have looked at these compact lights that have alot of wattage but smaller bulbs but the plugs on the end...