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  1. L

    Wormy Thing

    Hi In the last month have found two worm like creatures in my tank both dead. The corys seem to like picking them up and spitting them out. They are the colour of a commom earthworm about 25mm long with a flat plate on their heads like a lampreys (would take a picture but camera not good...
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    Surface Algea

    Have you tried breaking the surface with a spray bar or even a powerhead
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    Surface Algea

    Never seen a floating algae you sure it is not duckweed
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    Whats My Tank Doing?

    and if you have plants with that amount of fish any amonia will be taken up by them
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    1260 is not a filter it is just a pump and is returning the water from the sump. The fluvals flow and return is just in the sump sorry
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    Can anybody help ?
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    Has Anyone Ever Caught Anything From There Tank

    Had a problem with my reef tank. Skin would peel off my hand if I kept them wet for to long. Would also make my fingers swell up and itch. Have the same effect when fishing using ragworm for bait.
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    Sump Design

    I am in the process of doing the same thing. Will be going with reverse lighting. My thinking behind it is that with a marine you are trying to inhibit nuisance algae by using up all the phosphates etc, you are also burning CO2. So my thinking is at night plants give out carbon dioxide even...
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    I am using a sump on a planted tank Would you run a Eheim 1260 (2280 ltph) Or use the return from a Fluval 405 (1330 ltph) Packed with filter materials probably more like 800ltph. Both through spray bars.
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    Order Of Fish

    Not to keen about guppies and platys Was thinking of going about 10 corys 6 Bristlenoses 20 cardinals or neons do not know what else or in what order
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    Ages.... Who And What Age....

    47 Kept fish since I was 11 long time Have probably done most of it from community to reef. Best tank I had was a 48" native salt water tank (had problems keeping temp down) using NSW back in the 80's Now trying to start up a South American Biotope after taking my reef down (due to time etc)...
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    Order Of Fish

    Not that I am ready yet but I am thinking about stock for a South American Biotope have ordered the plants, but what fish would you stock and in what order would you put the fish in. Will not be putting first ones in until the tank has cycled and cant see it fully stocked until the end of the...
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    Salt (not Adding Removing)

    Changing from my reef in a 5ft and sump to Tropical Been emptied and refilled twice. Still showing on my hydrometer that I have 1.002 specific gravity and 2 salinity. Want to put the substrate in and start the RO water filling. No doubt it will drop again but will it be enough to keep fish and...