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    Panda Corys with Dwarf Guoramis?

    i have 3 bronze cories with a pair of male dwarf gouramis. they don't fight or anything and are peaceful with each other. I suggest when you pick dwarf gouramis to really look at their behaviour with one another, making sure if you get two males they do not fight with each other. Mine fight each...
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    the sacs are they pale white looking sort of oval? i found something hanging in the bottom of my live plants i thought they were seed sacs but i might be wrong.
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    Yesterday i went to buy some live plants. My tank has been snail free, but now i just discovered a baby snail growing. What should i do? Should i kill it? Should i keep it? I've never had snail before.
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    what type of plants?

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    live plants

    Hi, i want to put live plants in my established 10g tank. Is it safe to put microswords and Anacharis with these fish, blackskirt tetras dwarf gouramis bronze corys
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    10 g tank 2 dwarf gouramis 5 blackskirt tetras 3 bronze cory is this overstocked??
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    Fluidized Bed Filter

    how well do these filters work compared to canister filters?
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    After water change...

    is there an internet article that explains this? I would like to find out more info.
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    After water change...

    After doing water changes, i was wondering if i can use the water (that i took out of the aquarium) and use it to put it inside flower plants and grass outside the house.
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    redtail shark

    is it all right to put a redtail shark all by itself in a 10 g tank?
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    Filter for betta required?

    Hi, i wanna get a 2.5 gallon tank gift for my little sister and if i do she will want to put it in her room. Anyways if i get her the tank is it all right if she turns the filter off for the betta at night but leave it on during the day? Because i read somewhere bettas can survive without...
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    Melafix experience

    Question. They say you should wait seven days before doing water changes. Is it allright do to water changes during treatment? or is it more effective and appropiate to do water changes as directed?
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    Melafix experience

    hello i'm just curious to see how many people have had any success with using melafix? I'm currently using it to treat a betta suffering from sevre fin rot. I'm on day 2 right now of the treatment and am seeing no results yet, but more tears in the fins have occured. I would have to say my...
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    Aggressive Black Widow Tetras

    My fish are still fairly stressed and won't eat that much, how do i help them become unstressed? As you can see from these pictures my tank isn't actually "planted densly" so what can i do to make them feel more comfortable and safe? Because due to the black skirts which keep chasing them and...
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    What rock is this.

    Actually i found it outside and haven't put it inside the tank yet. I put it inside a bucket of hot water and am going to do the vinegar test (once i find where i last put the vinegar.)
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    What rock is this.

    What type of rock is this?
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    Aggressive Black Widow Tetras

    here is my newb tank 1st neon blue dwarf gourami 2nd neon blue dwarf gourami
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    Aggressive Black Widow Tetras

    Thanks. I've haven't mentioned it yet but the two dwarf gouramis are actually two neon blue dwarf gouramis. I have a new problem now, one of them doesn't want to eat all it does is goes around the glass and just travel along it and doesn't bother going anywhere else. The other on the other hand...
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    Aggressive Black Widow Tetras

    i have a 10 gallon tank with fake plants. I did put the black skirts first, so it probably is a territorial thing. I also noticed though the black skirts go attack or chase each other as well.
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    Aggressive Black Widow Tetras

    i added two dwarf gouramis and the five black skirt tetras seem to be fin nipping them is this common and how long does it last?
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    Good mix?

    would it be easier if i have one school of fish rather than two (rasboras and tetras)?
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    Good mix?

    What type of cory's would be good?? Perferably something relatively small. and will stay that way.
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    Good mix?

    i've been reading up on tetras (black widows) and they say that 3 or more is good so instead of a platy a black widow tetra would replace it... modified list 4 Harlequin Rasbora's 1 male betta 3 black skirt tetras 2 dwarf gouramis any suggestions, opions etc.. are always helpful..
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    Good mix?

    what would be a good alternative to a platy?
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    Good mix?

    ok i'll minus the female betta.
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    Good mix?

    Hello starting a new 10 g tank. Mostly with fake plants and maybe a couple of floating plants soon. Is this setup all right 5 rasboras 1 female betta 1 male betta 2 dwarf gouramis or 3 platies need some opions and suggestions ASAP. Thanks.
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    Rasboras in 10 gallon.

    Hello i want to start a small 10 g rasbora tank, and my question is how many is appropriate. Of the top of my head right now i'm thinking seven. If anybody has any suggestions for some tank mates maybe two that would be helpfull as well. And what live plants would be appropiate? Perferably...
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    Hi i'm new here. I just got a 10 gallon aqaurium starter kit. You can view the images here image 1 Image 2 The images are large. Anyways i haven't put anything inside the aqaurium yet, so any suggestions of what type of fish to put in are welcome.