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  1. S

    High Phosphate

    I bought these fizzing tablets that kill algea they worked great after few days my tank is now crystal clear an mostly algea free i got few lil spots on a plant but other than that its great
  2. S

    Fish Tank Worries

    is stress enzyme same thing as stress coat ?
  3. S

    Won't Eat Anything But Fd Brine Shrimp

    i only feed my fish just the tropical flakes should i be feeding them other food too ? i have a painted an moon an a sword an a male betta
  4. S

    Good Fish

    yeap i agree i took my beta out of tank its in lil bowl not sure where im gonna put him but he is a bully to my molies an painted fish i think he might have killed a mollie an a painted fish an was picking on my sword an moon store said they were ok together but there clearly not
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    Acceptable betta tankmates

    im kinda agervated with my fish store they told me moons swords mollies where all ok w/a male betta 2 loacal stores told me that ..they said no tiger barbs no guppys one store went down through store an said at least 25 of there fish were ok ..i been watching tank an the betta had my sword an...
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    Acceptable betta tankmates

    ok i have a male betta 1 painted fish i sword fish 1 moon fish the sword an the moon fish are brightly colored red an orange an the painted in silver w/a red heart painted on each side ...ok i had 2 painted fish an a black mollie one painted came up dead an the mollie came up dead ...could my...
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    High Phosphate

    ive always been told algae is from to much lighting in your tank u could get an algae eater or u could scrape it all off an do a water change ...but if yours is like mine its probably on rocks an all i havent decided what im gonna do w/mine yet
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    hello all im summer im new here an just started a new tank after many years of not having one an not having good luck w/it this go around first 2 weeks i had ick an lost a fish now few weeks later i lost a painted fish an now have algae all in my tank so im here to learn guess ive forgot over...