High Phosphate


New Member
Jun 9, 2007
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Hi I seem to have a brown fur growing on all my plants and ornaments I have been told that it is caused by high phosphate levels.I don't seem to be able to remove it.can any one tell me how to get rid of it and prevent it from comming back.
regards andy :rolleyes:
ive always been told algae is from to much lighting in your tank u could get an algae eater or u could scrape it all off an do a water change ...but if yours is like mine its probably on rocks an all i havent decided what im gonna do w/mine yet
like yourself i have been suffering from algae but the green stuff and have tried water changes every week and having lights off for 3 days! shop said it may be due to high phosphates and they did a water test to see and it was high and came up high but my ph was low
im not sure i want lights off for long as my plants may die! i also read to maybe add more plants!
let me know if you get any positive results!
I bought these fizzing tablets that kill algea they worked great after few days my tank is now crystal clear an mostly algea free i got few lil spots on a plant but other than that its great
the best way to get rid of your phosphates is to do water changes....unless you have high phosphate in your tap water. How high are your phosphate levels? Do you have any plants in the tank?
I was having trouble with algae growing and coralline not growing (reef tank). I tested phosphates and they were a little above 1.0. I added phos-buster by Caribsea and after just 4 days most green algae is gone and coralline starting to spread. Current phosphate level is less than 0.1

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