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  1. xero3


    Whats up all just wanted to say hey i have not been here for a bit (moved and tore down my 120 Rio Grande river bottom) but any who im doing a small community tank a 20 long i was wondering what yalls ideas might be on what to stock it with and how much there is no heater it stays between 72...
  2. xero3

    New Silver Tipped Shark

    I know my 200 gallon is on it's way, but my other ones lived for ten years and only hit 6.5 inches in a freshwater 55 gallon
  3. xero3

    New Silver Tipped Shark

    okay the catfish bug strikes again an hour ago from a fishstore down the street from the on i work at and bought a silver tipped shark it's so cute at the store he came up and nibbled at my finger and i thought to my self "Thats the one i want" and i got it here is some pics
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  6. xero3

    Hole In The Head

    i had an oscar for three years and he had hole in head and none of my others never caught it from him i was able to reverse it though and it evntualy closed up now he is on show at my work
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  8. xero3

    New Raphael Catfish

    yeah i have been giving them sinking shrimp pellets and blood worms they even go for the algae disks my plec eats, they have tons of caves and little plants they dig up and hide under one kept burying himself under the gravel in the front it was kinda cutehere is one pic i could snap real fast
  9. xero3

    I Finally Got Me Some Convicts :)

    how cute good luck mine bred like crazy until they got killed
  10. xero3

    New Raphael Catfish

    I just got them two days ago and they are so cute, less than an inch in length i puth them with my fire mouths (Also less than an inch , all three) my green severum(Whos only about three inches long and 2 inches tall) and my 4 inch pleco in a 29 gallon with rocks and caves and plants every were...
  11. xero3

    Channel Cat

    naw im not gonna try and pick them up just yet the are in with my three itty bitty firemouthes and my green severum (Cap'n Jack Sparrow is what i call him cause of his personality) and black bob my 4 inch pleco
  12. xero3

    Channel Cat

    they are Raphael's, striped to be precise, they are adorable less than an inch long they are as of now they are realy active in the day and hide at night i have been watching the for about 5 hours now
  13. xero3

    Channel Cat

    well he's at my buddys now and i got me some new talking cats they were sqweeking at me on the way home
  14. xero3

    Channel Cat

    thats true but he's going to my buddys ranch in a few weeks
  15. xero3

    Channel Cat

    oh yeah and i added it up in total i have had him for 13 days so yeah he's doing great.... :P :P :P and thanks mystix
  16. xero3

    Channel Cat

    i was feeding some of my other fish bloodworm's and he swam up and started eating from my hand and making little noises it was so cute
  17. xero3

    Channel Cat

    mine is fine in warm water about 81 82F
  18. xero3

    Channel Cat

    well I just found all my convicts this morning dead they were half eaten along with one of my firemouths but it will just be the channel, the plec, and the firemouths, with the pictus for a bit and then the channel is going to a good freind of mine with a 500 gallon tank right now it's in a 29
  19. xero3

    Channel Cat

    about 2 and a half inches
  20. xero3

    Channel Cat

    :drool: :drool: The other day a customer came in to my work and asked me if I would like a free baby channel cat, Of course i said yes i love catfish and cichlids he is just over an inch and a half right now. :drool: :drool: I know they get huge but i just love them, But my question is could...
  21. xero3

    Hi I'm New Here

    Oh yeah I forgot to mention I work at a Freshwater fish store mostly cichlids, We get our new shipment in today and i'm off but I'm going to go stock my fish even though i'm off of work. LOL
  22. xero3

    Hi I'm New Here

    yeah i'm already looking a 200 gallon right now and yeah my blue channel in the past week he has already grown like a half an inch :drool: :drool: i love all my fish as i said my connies just had egs 3 days ago and they hatched yesterday at 12:00pm they are so cute
  23. xero3

    Hi I'm New Here

    i have roughly a 30 gallon tank i have 3 convict cichlids (Gunna trade them four some firemouth babies) 1 clown knife 1 green severum( whom i am giving to my manager at work) 1 Blue channel catfish and last but not least my pleco who is about 4and a half inches I love my fish and every thing...