Hi I'm New Here


New Member
Apr 25, 2007
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i have roughly a 30 gallon tank
i have 3 convict cichlids (Gunna trade them four some firemouth babies)
1 clown knife
1 green severum( whom i am giving to my manager at work)
1 Blue channel catfish
and last but not least my pleco who is about 4and a half inches

I love my fish and every thing about them
wow blue channel catfish.

i hope i'm confused and that's not what i think it is, or you're gonna need a tank significantly bigger than 30gallons :crazy:

yeah i'm already looking a 200 gallon right now and yeah my blue channel in the past week he has already grown like a half an inch :drool: :drool: i love all my fish as i said my connies just had egs 3 days ago and they hatched yesterday at 12:00pm
they are so cute
Oh yeah I forgot to mention I work at a Freshwater fish store mostly cichlids, We get our new shipment in today and i'm off but I'm going to go stock my fish even though i'm off of work. LOL

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