New Silver Tipped Shark


New Member
Apr 25, 2007
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okay the catfish bug strikes again an hour ago from a fishstore down the street from the on i work at and bought a silver tipped shark it's so cute at the store he came up and nibbled at my finger and i thought to my self "Thats the one i want" and i got it here is some pics


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Oh dear, another unsuitable catfish.

That is Hexanematichthys seemani, a Brackish/Marine dwelling species that does not live long in freshwater, only juviniles are found in freshwaters for a while until they head out into saltier waters.
They are also one of the most active catfishes available and require a minimum of a 150 gallon tank as adults and prefferably larger, they should also be kept in groups of 3 or more as they are social and require the company of their own kind.
I know my 200 gallon is on it's way, but my other ones lived for ten years and only hit 6.5 inches in a freshwater 55 gallon
why cant you take the advice. there brackish/marine. and need large aquariums.
if you dont have the hospitality for it dont have it.

is your 200g going to be brackish/marine?

are you going to up the numbers?

are you going to take the advice?
I know my 200 gallon is on it's way, but my other ones lived for ten years and only hit 6.5 inches in a freshwater 55 gallon

and since when has a fish only reaching half of its average adult size in 10 years a good thing? That is what we in the hobby call stunting which results from fish being kept in the wrong conditions for a long period of its life, healthy adult shark cats should be 10 inches long within their first 2 years.
They are also one of the most active catfishes available

I'd agree with that statement when they are young, however their sheen dulls when they get bigger ime and are no longer anwhere near as attractive as when they are young..
CFC said:
They are also one of the most active catfishes available

I'd agree with that statement when they are young, however their sheen dulls when they get bigger ime and are no longer anwhere near as attractive as when they are young..
Active, not attractive. As in they spend most of their time swimming around.
CFC said:
They are also one of the most active catfishes available

I'd agree with that statement when they are young, however their sheen dulls when they get bigger ime and are no longer anwhere near as attractive as when they are young..
Active, not attractive. As in they spend most of their time swimming around.

hahaha...I'll try reading it properly next time shall i!?
A saltwater bull shark grow to 3m. Eats seals and stuff. I was talking about how this fish resemelbes the other bull shark, or cyprinid family of sharks. Grow to 2 feet?

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