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  1. S

    2 Albino Corys In A 20litre Tank?

    Thanks miss wiggle! Will see what happens! the LFS i got them from is a bit overstocked at the moment! So i will kepp them for now untill they can get a bigger home! I want them to be happy as possible! they seem to be doing finr for now! and i dont want them to get hurt at the LFS! I will keep...
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    2 Albino Corys In A 20litre Tank?

    Hey guys! I have a 20 litre tank, and i just got 2 albino corys! they are prudy small[bout 2cm], is it okay to keep them in this tank? They seem to be happy, they swim around together, eat together, exlore, etc Cause if it not okey, i will keep them till they are a lil biggger and then take...
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    Guidance With Starting A Tank

    i thinking for now of just getting the 5g for just my betta, and later on if i want corys to get a bigger tank! but for now i am more concened bout getting my betta in a bigger tank and happy! so he can make more bubble nests!! Thank you for the quick reply!
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    Guidance With Starting A Tank

    Thnaks alot for the info and welcome guys!! I think my betta is doing good! he gobbles his food up like a pig! and last night he started to make a bubblenest! and i take from what i have read that that is a good thing!! Also would a 20litre/5gallon[i think] be enought for him and maybe some...
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    Guidance With Starting A Tank

    Hey guys! Would a 5 gallon tank be ok for a betta, 3 corys? it going to be winter here soon and it gets a lil chilly here!!
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    Guidance With Starting A Tank

    Thanks alot for the info! right now he is in one of those crappy lil plastic boxes that they call a tank! but i think he can handle it for a few more days until i can get a bigger better home for him! Will update as i goo along! thanks alot Sheblom
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    Guidance With Starting A Tank

    hey guys I am a complete and utter newbie! never had a tank in my life! and i have purchased a Betta whiched i have dubbed crabs1 but the small tank is way to small! so i want to start a small tropical tank! I want to get a 50l tank, with gravel rocks and plants[fake or real, which is better]! i...
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    Betta To A Bigger Tank, Need Info Please!

    I only hvae the small one, and its very small! it "specially" made for bettas, i wouls say 15 cm height by 10cm width by 9 cm depth! Not big at all! what size tank would u recomennd? i dont want a big one! just a decent sized one!!
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    Betta To A Bigger Tank, Need Info Please!

    thanks alot man! Was a bit worried bout that! and will def keep the small tank for emergancys!! Thanls alot for the info!
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    Betta To A Bigger Tank, Need Info Please!

    Hey guys i am very new to the aquarium world, and i need some information! i have a siamese fighting fish[ which i have dubbed Crabs] and i think its crule to keep him in those lil tanks you get for them. So i am thinkyinh of upgrading to a bigger tank for his sake and my sanity! Now what i was...