Betta To A Bigger Tank, Need Info Please!


New Member
Mar 27, 2007
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Hey guys
i am very new to the aquarium world, and i need some information! i have a siamese fighting fish[ which i have dubbed Crabs] and i think its crule to keep him in those lil tanks you get for them. So i am thinkyinh of upgrading to a bigger tank for his sake and my sanity! Now what i was wondering, cause its a bigger tank, can i put other fish in with him? i was thinking of 2 albino corydaras[cause thay are bottom eatersd and shouldnt bother him] and a plecostomus. Is this ok? What other fish would be better? Any info would be great
Tnak you very much
Corydoras should be ok, I'd get more than 2 though (and pass on the plec), as they are schooling fish. And you can always keep the old tiny tank as an emergency in case things don't work out.
Corydoras should be ok, I'd get more than 2 though (and pass on the plec), as they are schooling fish. And you can always keep the old tiny tank as an emergency in case things don't work out.

thanks alot man! Was a bit worried bout that! and will def keep the small tank for emergancys!! Thanls alot for the info!
I only hvae the small one, and its very small! it "specially" made for bettas, i wouls say 15 cm height by 10cm width by 9 cm depth! Not big at all! what size tank would u recomennd? i dont want a big one! just a decent sized one!!
I think something that's maybe 3 gallons would work for the betta by himself. If you wanted some friends for him, get a bigger tank. Also, don't do the pleco. They get to be massive.
5-10 gallons is a good size, for the cories aswell, maybe nearer 10g.
go for 3+ with the albinos, most bettas dont bother cories or other bottom dwellers, maybe add a few ottos at a later date.
great your getting a bigger tank though.
your betta will almost deffinately be better off
I agree with fishboy with reagards to the size of the tank. I think a 10 gallon would be a lot better if you're planning on keeping Cories as well.
I currently have a five gallon with one male betta and three pygmy corydoras and a ten gallon with one male betta, four kuhli loaches, an amano shrimp and a few small temporary inabitants. Shrimps aren't the best idea with bettas, but my particular bettas is a wuss so he doesn't bother the shrimp. Kuhlis can be a bit tricky to find and require a sand substrate with lots of hiding places. Lots of people don't like them because they're very shy and don't come out much, but if you decorate around them and keep them in a group, they're quite active so long as there isn't much motion around the tank.

I'd go with a ten gallon and get some pygmy corydoras rather than albinos as they stay much smaller so that you could keep a larger group of five or so. As mentioned, there aren't any plecos that will do well in a tank of that size, but you could go with two or three otos and a smaller group of pygmy corydoras (or two otos plus a betta in a five gallon). Otos do require a mature tank, so it would be a while before you could add them.
i second all the info given,
just to add thu,
kuhliis may be hard to find and need a sand substrate, but i bought some a while back, they hid for the first few days, but are always out now, very active and intresting to watch, in my tanks it had lots of caves,plants and sand.
in a 10g heated and filtered.
plant it well and provide lots of caves, i think maybe a betta, a small shoal of pygmy cories (something like 5) or even at a push 3+ albino cories.
and if not the albinos, a few kuhliis, ottos and maybe shrimp if the betta dont eat them, although my bettas never really eat the shrimps.
just remember to add the fish slowly, not all at once, and keep up with water changes and regular maintance,

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