Guidance With Starting A Tank


New Member
Mar 27, 2007
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hey guys
I am a complete and utter newbie! never had a tank in my life! and i have purchased a Betta whiched i have dubbed crabs1 but the small tank is way to small! so i want to start a small tropical tank! I want to get a 50l tank, with gravel rocks and plants[fake or real, which is better]! i have only had my betta for a few days now, but i have come quite attached to him! so i want to make it as easy and effortly for him to adapt to his soon to be new home!

So what i need is the basics to make mu betta a good home! i am also thinking of getting some albino corydaras and maybe a plecostomus to keep him company! so how will i set about getting evating setup once i have my tank, heater, filter etc? I have heard of a process called cycling?? so if anyone can help me with a step by step, that would be awsome!
thank you very much!
Hi, what size tank ishe in now?
You can read about cycling Here
I dont think there are any plecs that can go in a 50l, Maybe a Bristlenose plec? But you could fit a few cory's in there, he shouldn't bother them. You will probably need a heater, and if your going to have a filter in the 50l, make sure the output isnt too strong as Betta's prefer calm water. Also be carfull when choosing other tank mates for your betta, they dont like most other fish, you can read about it here
All Bettas need for a good home is good, clean water, a few plants mayber (fake or real, if fake get silk as plastic ones are sharp)

HTH :good:
Hi, what size tank ishe in now?
You can read about cycling Here
I dont think there are any plecs that can go in a 50l, Maybe a Bristlenose plec? But you could fit a few cory's in there, he shouldn't bother them. You will probably need a heater, and if your going to have a filter in the 50l, make sure the output isnt too strong as Betta's prefer calm water. Also be carfull when choosing other tank mates for your betta, they dont like most other fish, you can read about it here
All Bettas need for a good home is good, clean water, a few plants mayber (fake or real, if fake get silk as plastic ones are sharp)

HTH :good:

Thanks alot for the info! right now he is in one of those crappy lil plastic boxes that they call a tank! but i think he can handle it for a few more days until i can get a bigger better home for him!
Will update as i goo along!
thanks alot
You don't necessarily have to have a heater. I've got a 15 gallon tank and I recently discovered yesterday that my heater has been broken since day one, but my temperature is where it should be.
You don't necessarily have to have a heater. I've got a 15 gallon tank and I recently discovered yesterday that my heater has been broken since day one, but my temperature is where it should be.

Hey guys!
Would a 5 gallon tank be ok for a betta, 3 corys? it going to be winter here soon and it gets a lil chilly here!!
It would be ok for a betta and 3 pygmy cories, but the other cories (bronze, peppered etc.) get a bit bigger than the pygmy ones.

Also you can by tiny heaters for small tanks.

you may want to get larger cories as you've only had him a few days and never with any other fish. when you pop him in there with the pygmys, they're small so he may attack them - trust me, even the sweetest betta can turn on a fish in his home, shadow did that when i tried to give him a new shrimp after his first one passed on and every other tank mate i tried to give him. some are just happier on their own.

i have three boys and none have heaters or filters, i got them all in the winter and everyone was fine. i personally don't see why winter makes a difference because they're inside, not out :good: . aladdin's the only one with a tank mate, i told you shadow's story and pacific flares at every other fish he sees, i'd never give him a tank mate.

just be careful going with smaller cories - make sure there's lots of hiding places! cories also like to be kept in groups of at least three. i have two matae because the one died and my not so local fish store hasn't carried them since then and two schwartzi cories because that was all they had, but they're friendly fish who like to be around each other.
another tank mate option could be otto cats. i personally like cories better, but i've read about alot of people who have ottos with their bettas.

if you're boy is in those "homes" the fish/pet stores keep them in, make sure he's getting lots of water changes.

good luck with your boy, i'd love to see pics!
I have a few 2.5 gallon tanks with 25 watt heaters. and the azoo/red sea palm filters and they work great. they build their bubble nests and love it.
A 5 gallon would be great. I have kept several 5 gallon tanks. If your space is conditioned then you should not need a heater. But a decent 25 watt heater is 10 bucks, so me personally I don't mind spending 10 bucks for a just in case policy of keeping a heater going. It's entirely up to you. You can get a 25 watt heater at big als online for 5.99(american) and a azoo palm filter for the tank for about 6 bucks (american) from dr fosters smith. I have kept bettas with the pygmy corys Hastatus and Habrosus and none of my bettas ever bothered any of my cories.

All of the suggestions above are tried and true methods. Use a heater if you want. If you don't and your living area is conditioned in the 70's they should be fine. A filter is optional, personally I like the filter, you can cut it down low and a small water flow, I noticed when i do my water changes I don't have to get as much mess off the floor, the filter gets most of it. I just rinse the filter sponge in a cup of dechlorinated water. and put it back in to get the debris.

Find what works best for you, and you will enjoy your friends much more. My opinion is not better than anyone else's, it is just mine and I seem to prefer it :blink:
I have a few 2.5 gallon tanks with 25 watt heaters. and the azoo/red sea palm filters and they work great. they build their bubble nests and love it.
A 5 gallon would be great. I have kept several 5 gallon tanks. If your space is conditioned then you should not need a heater. But a decent 25 watt heater is 10 bucks, so me personally I don't mind spending 10 bucks for a just in case policy of keeping a heater going. It's entirely up to you. You can get a 25 watt heater at big als online for 5.99(american) and a azoo palm filter for the tank for about 6 bucks (american) from dr fosters smith. I have kept bettas with the pygmy corys Hastatus and Habrosus and none of my bettas ever bothered any of my cories.

All of the suggestions above are tried and true methods. Use a heater if you want. If you don't and your living area is conditioned in the 70's they should be fine. A filter is optional, personally I like the filter, you can cut it down low and a small water flow, I noticed when i do my water changes I don't have to get as much mess off the floor, the filter gets most of it. I just rinse the filter sponge in a cup of dechlorinated water. and put it back in to get the debris.

Find what works best for you, and you will enjoy your friends much more. My opinion is not better than anyone else's, it is just mine and I seem to prefer it :blink:

Thnaks alot for the info and welcome guys!! I think my betta is doing good! he gobbles his food up like a pig! and last night he started to make a bubblenest! and i take from what i have read that that is a good thing!!
Also would a 20litre/5gallon[i think] be enought for him and maybe some albino corys in the fiture?
Thanks again for the help and info!! and will post pics as soon as i can!!
Glad your Betta is doing ok!
If you plan on keeping Cories with your Betta then a 5G will be too small, you'd be better off getting a 10G tank.
Glad your Betta is doing ok!
If you plan on keeping Cories with your Betta then a 5G will be too small, you'd be better off getting a 10G tank.

i thinking for now of just getting the 5g for just my betta, and later on if i want corys to get a bigger tank! but for now i am more concened bout getting my betta in a bigger tank and happy! so he can make more bubble nests!! Thank you for the quick reply!
He'll be more than happy in a 5G tank! That's what I keep my fighters in and they love their tanks.

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