Search results

  1. Cookie_the_Betta

    Sick Honey Gourami?

    Ok, so I thought she was dead but when I tried to scoop her up she started swimming around again, then later sinks to the bottom again.
  2. Cookie_the_Betta

    Sick Honey Gourami?

    Hi all! I think my female honey gourami may be sick with constipation or something? For the past week she's been laying at the bottom looking dead. Although she does swim around a bit to eat. Then she just kind of sinks to the bottom. I noticed she has a small lump on the side or her body. My...
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  4. Cookie_the_Betta

    Femala Betta In Community Tank

    Ok so far so good. I put her in and the rest of the fish didn't care much for her, even the gourmais. All seems peaceful. Althought she's developed those pesky stress stripes. She swims a lot though. I have a spare empty 3 gallon tank that I can set up just in case. Edit: Stress stripes are gone :)
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  6. Cookie_the_Betta

    Femala Betta In Community Tank

    Hi all! My student gave me a female betta as a gift today. :) I have a 10 gallon community tank with 3 platies, 2 female honey gouramis, and 4 zebra danios. Can I add the female betta? Thanks! I added a pic! She's so cute :)
  7. Cookie_the_Betta

    I'm Moving! How Do I Move My Fish?

    Thanks for the help everyone :)
  8. Cookie_the_Betta

    I'm Moving! How Do I Move My Fish?

    That's what I was thinking too. It's only about a 15 minute drive so that's good.
  9. Cookie_the_Betta

    I'm Moving! How Do I Move My Fish?

    Hey everyone! I need some help. My family and I are moving October 9th. Of course I'm taking my 10 gallon tank with me. My questions is how do I go about transferring my tank and my fish?? Thanks!
  10. Cookie_the_Betta

    Annette's 10 Gallon Community Tank

    NeonWater, It's funny you say that because I live 20 minutes away from Disneyland and own an annual pass. I love that place! I guess it's starting to show in other ways. BTW, I'm 24 yrs old :) I will definitely try to go for a more "mature", natural looking theme. ;)
  11. Cookie_the_Betta

    Annette's 10 Gallon Community Tank

    So what do you all suggest?
  12. Cookie_the_Betta

    Annette's 10 Gallon Community Tank

    Just sharing some pictures. :) I also have a small video I took with my phone. I'm not too good at taking pictures of the tank or fish, yet. 10 gallon -4 red platys -4 zebra danios (gift from my boyfriend) -2 female honey gouramis
  13. Cookie_the_Betta

    Cories For Sale

    Is mostly everyone on the forums from the UK? Or somewhere out there? :) Sorry, I'm in Southern California.
  14. Cookie_the_Betta

    Adding Stuff To Your Tank

    I have the red plant and green plant in the back. & the coral looking thing. The shorter plants towards the front, the rock, and a bunch of sea shells spread out on the floor. :)
  15. Cookie_the_Betta

    Adding Stuff To Your Tank

    Maybe one more larger plant in the background? I'm going to add a honey gourami and want to make sure he or she has places to hide. I thought I need more gravel but looking at my picture, maybe not. I guess?
  16. Cookie_the_Betta

    Adding Stuff To Your Tank

    Ok here's a picture of my tank. Thanks for the help =)
  17. Cookie_the_Betta

    Adding Stuff To Your Tank

    Hi all! Just wondering if its safe to add things such as gravel and fake plants to my tank even though its all set up and fish are already in there? When I first got my tank I was on a budget but now I have some extra crash and I'd like to add a few things. Thanks!
  18. Cookie_the_Betta

    Stocking List Okay?

    Hey everyone. I have a 10 US gallon tank and I'm getting some ideas for what fish to put in. So far I'm thinking: 4 red platys 4 zebra danios 1-2 gouramis I really love gouramis but I have a few questions. Do I get one or two? Male or females?? Which type is better? I've read either honey or...
  19. Cookie_the_Betta

    Fish Are Sick With Ich?

    I just noticed one of my neon tertras might have ich. It's got little white spots on it. And another tetra's fins appear to have been nipped. The other fish look fine. I had just bought some new fish and I'm thinking maybe some new guy had ich. Any advice on how to treat this? I don't want my...
  20. Cookie_the_Betta

    Strange Things Happening In My 10g

    My stock was/is 3 Red platies 1 Sunset platy (missing) 1 Red Honey gourami (missing) 2 swordtail rasboras 3 Neon Tetras 1 Small Chinese Algae eater
  21. Cookie_the_Betta

    Strange Things Happening In My 10g

    The title basically says it, I have 2 fish that have mysteriously disappeared. I emptied the filter thinking that maybe somehow they were in there and nothing. I've looked in the gravel because I thought maybe they died and I don't see them. I am missing my yellow sunset platy and my honey red...
  22. Cookie_the_Betta

    My 10g Tank

    Thanks for the suggestion. :D My current stock: -3 Red Platies -1 Sunset Platy -3 Neon Tetras -2 Swordtail Rasbora -1 Red Honey Gourami -2 Algae eaters
  23. Cookie_the_Betta

    My 10g Tank

    Thanks! My current stock is 3 Neon tetras, 2 Red Platies, 2 Swordtail Rasboras, 1 Sunset Platy. Here are more current pictures:
  24. Cookie_the_Betta

    My 10g Tank

    More pictures! Not pictured here are: 2 swordtail rasboras 2 Red Platies 1 Sunset Platy
  25. Cookie_the_Betta

    Fish Bully?

    No, its not fin rot. I have 2 platies and one of them is fine and seems accepted by the rest, but this other chubbier platy is not.
  26. Cookie_the_Betta

    Fish Bully?

    I just notice that my red platy has a nipped fin. Could it be possible that it's being bullied by another fish. I have 2 swordtail rasboras, they are the biggest in the tank. I have a feeling its them. What should I do?
  27. Cookie_the_Betta

    Help A Newbie With Stocking

    Thanks for the list! I'd like to keep some guppies and platys along with the neon tetras, to add some color to my tank. Although, the girl at Petco told me I can only keep other tetras because bigger fish will pick on the neons? I don't think she really knew much about fish. Also, will I need...
  28. Cookie_the_Betta

    Help A Newbie With Stocking

    Hello! I'm new. I have a 10 gallon tank, so far I only have 6 neon tetras. What do you guys recommend as far as stock? I really would like some gourami but I've read that they are aggressive.
  29. Cookie_the_Betta

    My 10g Tank

    Okay, after doing some googling and searching I think the lonely Tetra might be sick or stressed. My water tested fine, the tank temperature is fine. They all ate awhile ago. I'm not sure what to do. The lonely tetra is acting very strange. He looks a little slow.
  30. Cookie_the_Betta

    My 10g Tank

    Thanks Banana! I will look into those fish you mentioned. I really like Gouramis. I was thinking maybe 1 or 2 and some Zebra Danios? I'm new to fish keeping so I'm not too sure just yet. I just noticed that one tetra is all by itself, while the other 4 hang out. Is this normal? Maybe I should...
  31. Cookie_the_Betta

    My 10g Tank

    Hello everyone! I'm new to the forums. Just wanted to share some pictures of my 10g. I just got 5 neon tetras for it. I still want to add a few more different types of fish. Any suggestions?
  32. Cookie_the_Betta

    Hello Everyone!

    Thanks for the welcome! Here is a picture of Cookie in his new home...and his old home was the bowl. In the 1st pic he's behind the plant. I need to try to get a good picture of him but he moves everytime :rolleyes:
  33. Cookie_the_Betta

    Hello Everyone!

    Hi! I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Annette, my betta's name is Cookie (hence my username). I'm new to bettas and fish in general. I joined to gain some more knowledge so that I can keep my betta happy. :) I'm a big animal lover! All my pets are rescues, including Cookie. I got him...