My 10g Tank


New Member
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
southern california
Hello everyone! I'm new to the forums. Just wanted to share some pictures of my 10g. I just got 5 neon tetras for it. I still want to add a few more different types of fish. Any suggestions?

Hello everyone! I'm new to the forums. Just wanted to share some pictures of my 10g. I just got 5 neon tetras for it. I still want to add a few more different types of fish. Any suggestions?

Wow i like your setup=D

Well it really depends on waht type of fish you want; whether you want a schooling fish such as the neons or maybe just a singular fish. Since your tank is only 10 gallons its probably best to go for the smaller schooling type fish such as harlequin rasboras, platys or maybe even guppys.
These will make your tank look fuller and brighter.

Remember, you cant keep fish that have a big adult size such as a bala shark in your tank as they will eventually need a much larger tank.
Thanks Banana! I will look into those fish you mentioned. I really like Gouramis. I was thinking maybe 1 or 2 and some Zebra Danios?

I'm new to fish keeping so I'm not too sure just yet. I just noticed that one tetra is all by itself, while the other 4 hang out. Is this normal? Maybe I should have bought an even 6. :) :rolleyes: Maybe they kicked him out of the clan??
Okay, after doing some googling and searching I think the lonely Tetra might be sick or stressed. My water tested fine, the tank temperature is fine. They all ate awhile ago. I'm not sure what to do. The lonely tetra is acting very strange. He looks a little slow.
Hello everyone! I'm new to the forums. Just wanted to share some pictures of my 10g. I just got 5 neon tetras for it. I still want to add a few more different types of fish. Any suggestions?


hey there im new here to. but i have the same tank as you and i have 4 neons and 3 green fire tetras and 2 sun burst platties and 1 betta and like 5 shrimp and 2 snails 1 bule Mystery and 1 white Mystery. oh and i for got the lil guy that was in one of the live plants i put in there i seen him a few days after i set it up and see hiw maybe 1 time a week so hope that helps you out good luck and thats a good looking tank
Hello everyone! I'm new to the forums. Just wanted to share some pictures of my 10g. I just got 5 neon tetras for it. I still want to add a few more different types of fish. Any suggestions?


hey there im new here to. but i have the same tank as you and i have 4 neons and 3 green fire tetras and 2 sun burst platties and 1 betta and like 5 shrimp and 2 snails 1 bule Mystery and 1 white Mystery. oh and i for got the lil guy that was in one of the live plants i put in there i seen him a few days after i set it up and see hiw maybe 1 time a week so hope that helps you out good luck and thats a good looking tank

When I kept neons, I had six of them, with 2 head and taillight tetras, 2 pristellas, a dwarf gourami and an algae eater. They all got along fine although it took me a while until I had a gourami that lasted longer than a week. (I was just starting out in the hobby at that time, didn't know about quarantine tanks, etc). If you change water regularly, that can be a rather vibrant tank. Neons are rather fragile so you may expect to lose one every now and then.
i recommend guppies, you could have 5 males in there, they come in a variety of colours and are very active fish, just don't get females or you'll be over populated with fry.

does the neon seem pale compared to the others?
i would add more neons if you only have 3 you need atleast 6 tetra and then you could go for 6 glowlight tetras / few guppies / some corys / a pair of red honey gouramis would look good

but i IMO wouldnt keep danios as pairs the need to be in a quintet atleast
Thanks for the suggestion. :D

My current stock:
-3 Red Platies
-1 Sunset Platy
-3 Neon Tetras
-2 Swordtail Rasbora
-1 Red Honey Gourami
-2 Algae eaters
Thanks for the suggestion. :D

My current stock:
-3 Red Platies
-1 Sunset Platy
-3 Neon Tetras
-2 Swordtail Rasbora
-1 Red Honey Gourami
-2 Algae eaters

I'd get rid of the algea eaters and just stick with some snails. CAE's get to 8" and can be very agressive and most pleco species (the cheaper common plecos and gibi plecos) grow to atleast 18".

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