Search results

  1. D

    i think i would like some tetras

    i have a cycled 20gallon (long) which has no fish in it right now, but i'd like to get some tetras. well actually i decided i want the tank to have a colorful, diverse, compatible community of just tetras... i'm not used to having tetras so i would like some input.... What type of tetras (and...
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    Angel's Eye

    I just bought new angelfish, one is a small koi which i recently discovered has a weird eye. I don't have a picture, but I'll try to explain it. His left eye is slanted towards his mouth... its normal by his mouth, but sticks out on the opposite side. He looks like he's cross eyed. So, in your...
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    red bellied pacus

    hmmm... a 10000 gallon pond, that would need a massive filter and i dont even wanna think about the heater :crazy: well i thought i could get a nice big hottub and not add chlorine,but my parents don't want a fish in a hot tub let alone me having a hot tub in my room Oh well, i'll just hope for...
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    This question is for all you Cichlids ADDICT

    well you could have dwarf cichlids like apistos, rams, or kribs i think you could keep a pair of yellow labs but i'm not sure
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    My New Firemouth

    he's so little! awwww...
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    My cats. . .

    those games seem too sophisticated for my pets, i think the best my cat can do is pick up sticks :)
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    my ram died!

    i figured that to be the reason, it just seemed kinda long to me, i gess sum fish take longer to settle in, i'd luv to get more plants for cover but i cant manage to find an LFS with a good stock of reasonably priced plants, $9 for a plant is too much IMO i barely ever buy fish that much
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    red bellied pacus

    YIKES! i knew they got big but not that big! well it is good i didnt get him then isnt it, altho i feel terrible that he is in that 20 gallon, i gess wen you think about it, fish like them should only be in the wild, i'm glad i asked!
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    red bellied pacus

    there wuz a massive pacu at the LFS today, i gess sum guys just dumped it there, it was in a 20 gallon long :o :crazy: the poor fish couldn't even sit up :no: i had to try so hard not to just take it (it didn't help that it was free either) well i decided it could find a better home as my...
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    my ram died!

    well i exchanged my ram for the last one there, and the white poo is no more (the poo looks normal now) is that good? could it have to do with what they are fed? oh... i've also noticed that the rams at the petstore were a lot darker than mine (their color seemed to fade a lot) so i tested the...
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    my ram died!

    well lets see, i've had it going for 5 years, but had to refill it completely for the move to the basement, so its been cycled for at least 2 1/2 years hmm... tankmates are 2 fm guppies, 4 platies, 1 variatus platy, 1 ram, and a krib(not in the tank but in a net trap thing) what does the whitish...
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    my ram died!

    well i checked on everyone this morning (hard to miss the tank wen its right next to ur bed) and everyone was good, later i came in and there wuz the little girl lying dead in the gravel! :byebye: i'm going to cry! i have no idea wut wuz wrong i've only had them a week, so i can still return...
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    my ram died!

    well i checked on everyone this morning (hard to miss the tank wen its right next to ur bed) and everyone was good, later i came in and there wuz the little girl lying dead in the gravel! :byebye: i'm going to cry! i have no idea wut wuz wrong i've only had them a week, so i can still return...
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    Mated pair of Oscars

    good luck! mine just had a batch themselves, altho they aren't good parents :X i think mom gives the eggs too much attention and dad got jealous, so i am the babies new mommie :) wish you the best of luck, maybe soon ull have oscars taking over your house too!
  15. D

    reptile tank to fish tank?

    this mite sound dumb but by "bleach the tank" you do mean like actual bleach right?
  16. D

    reptile tank to fish tank?

    i have an iguana in a 55gal and i wuz wondering if we built her a new cage, would it be possible to change the 55 into a fw tank? is there a good way to clean it? oh and there is some driftwood in her tank too, if it was cleaned sumhow, could it be put in a fish tank? all opinions/experiences...
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    New lady Betta and Chongs pad

    hey how do u keep ur gravel on the side of the tank like that? :fun: ne wayz nice bettas i luv their colors!
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    Yellow Panchax killifish & 1 pic of paradise fish

    oh i have something to add... they like to jump... well at least mine did, while i was on vacation :-( and i can't find ne more Beautiful pics! i second the FOTM nomination
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    Two Friends Torn Apart

    awww... i'm soo sry! i hope bubbles is doing ok without cleo up in the big fish bowl in the sky! :byebye:
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    here they are again...
  21. 2kribs2.jpg


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    here's the male and the albino female (sry its a little blurry)...
  23. 2kribs.jpg


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    here's the albino female...
  25. albinokrib.jpg


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    here's the male with 2 females... (n ideas for names??)
  27. 3kribs.jpg


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    here's one of the females...
  29. femalekrib.jpg


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    I'm so glad, i finally got kribs!! here are lots of pics (their colors are kinda dull becuz i got them yesterday) The male...
  31. malekrib.jpg


  32. D

    how long does it take

    i have many little oscar babies hatching, i can see their little tails wriggling back and forth and i wuz wondering about how long does it take for them to get out of the egg? and what do they look like (mayb they are already out and i just can't tell) right now they look like little eggs with...
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    Is he a combtail?

    hey have u ever shown a flash lite behind them to see the layers of colors in your betta, i think that mite be y the flash gives it a blue color, i found sum site that talked all about the 4 color layers and such and how 2 see them i found it interesting hmmm let me think of the layers...
  34. D

    how 2 test rocks?

    ok how do u test rocks to see if they are ok in an aquarium? i had some in my turtle tank for awhile (from the lake) they've been there for like a year i wuz just wondering if theyd be ok with my fish... i wuz thinking that u put white vinegar on them but im not sure... and if so i don't know...
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    drum role plz....

    THANK YOU! i am i cant not smiling or rushing down to look at them :D :wub:
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    drum role plz....

    i'm a mommy!! i just got home from the LFS and i see little wrigglers coming out of their eggs!! :kana: i'm so xcited! :hyper: so i mite as well as some questions now that they are hatching... 1) should i take the unhatched eggs out? when? 2) how long until they are freeswimming? 3) how fast...
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    powerful filter

    if ur going to breed the oscars i would suggest having so many plecos, we have a common in with ours and he is fine (does get beaten up a little if he goes in their territory, but they tend to leave him alone) ive also had my pleco end up eating the eggs if the oscars dont take care of them
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    Sexing Kribs

    the one with the spade shaped tail is a male, the dorsal fin will also be longer, females are usually more colorful, but males can be just as colorful, its depends on how they are kept secondly, the smaller one might be a lot younger than the other one, so it could be a developing male well...
  39. D

    how to get rid of

    hey another random question... it looks the oscar eggs mite hatch! (only 8 hrs left) well if i raise any to be big enuff to sell, what if none of the LFS will take them? i don't really have a small local pet store ne more :( . would i get replies if i put an add in the newspaper? id only sell...
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    FM~ both the male and female can have the red belly, but its usually the female from what i've seen suemack~gorgeous fish :wub: and good luck with the babies! o i forgot i 2nd the nomination for FOTM!