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  1. S

    How do you know a snail is dead?

    Dont worry its not dead snails will do that when they are introduced into a new tank. i got an apple snail last week and it didnt move for days but nows its running about everywhere. ;)
  2. S

    water change

    thanks for the info. since i did the water change i have got a snail a shriml and a frog so thats for the extra info!!!! :D
  3. S


    bit of bad news for ya's. frogger is dead!!! :-( i have a siamese fighting fish in the tank and its killed 3 guppies the frog and i thinks its had my shrimp aswell. :dunno: needless to say ill be gettin rib of the fish asap. if my lfs had have told me that they can be aggresive to other fish i...
  4. S

    betta (fighting fish)

    i was told in the shop that it will only fight with other male fighting fish. the betta is nice but i am not gonna let it eat all my other fish. is it gonna kill all my guppies or other fish aswell???
  5. S

    betta (fighting fish)

    hi i got a siamese fighting fish yesterday and then i went and got a few guppies today to go with my femals guppies. when i went to look at them there now i saw the betta bighting the tail clean of one of my new guppies. i took the guppies out and put it in a breeding net to protect it. what...
  6. S


    hi i just bought a frog from my lfs but i forgot to ask what type of frog it is. the man at the shop said it spends all its time under the water so i dont need to change my tank about. i am just wondering is this true or does the frog need to be out of the water sometimes?? cheers for any advice
  7. S

    water change

    ok il add some hot water to the bucket before i put it in the tank. 1 more thing is there any clorine in hot water because i am using a botle clorine remover and if there is no clorine in hot water i wouldnt want to put to much liquid in cheers stevie
  8. S

    water change

    hi i am doin a water change i just want to know if it is ok to add water to my tank when the water is cold or should i warm it up somehow first to stop a sudden temperature change??
  9. S

    fish dying

    Thanx everone for the info the only thing i was told before i got the tank was that i had to leave the tank over a week before i put any fish in. i was told this by 2 people and it even says it in the aquaria book i got. but anyways i havent done any water changes as yet and no more have died...
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    fish dying

    uumm no it was running for 8 or 9 days before i put any fish in i thought thats all i had to do
  11. S

    fish dying

    :crazy: i need some help i have had my tank running for 2 weeks now and 6 fish have dyied in total i put in 6 fish after 8 days running the tank and 3 guppies died then i got another 7 fish on the 12th day and 3 of them have also died. Is this normal to have a few fatalities or is there...
  12. S

    Guppy Question

    its gonna ####in blow