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    Sailfin Tang

    I will get a picture 2moro. (lights out currently). Lavalamp.
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    Sailfin Tang

    Hi all Wondered if you can help. Within the past couple of weeks there has been a steadily developing amount of, what can only be described as a crusty substance, which has developed at the base of the fin (where the fin meets the body) on my juvenile Sailfin Tang. In all other aspects the...
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    Clown Gobies Won't Eat!

    Try putting a tropical sinker pellet near them ;) Leave it for a couple of hours see if you get any action; If not remember to remove the pellet ;) Lavalamp.
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    Lemonpeel Angelfish

    Hi has anyone had any experience of keeping a LPA? If so what are you reccomendations? Did it have a personality? Lavalamp.
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    Pbt Companion

    I am looking for a companion for my PBT, he is currently alone with LR in a jewul 240; Any ideas/recomendations welcomed? (Any other fish except a tang ;)) Cheers Lavalamp.
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    Nori - Roasted Or Not?

    Nori is a specialist seaweed that you feed to you tangs ;) Still not sure if you can feed them roasted or dried? Maybe its the same? Regards Lavalamp
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    Nori - Roasted Or Not?

    Anyone? :blush:
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    Nori - Roasted Or Not?

    Hi all, Can you feed your tangs roasted nori? Or does it have to be natural? :blink: Is the stuff you get in aquarium shops and of ebay roasted? :crazy: Cheers, Lavalamp.
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    2 X Marine Tanks

    Cheers Andy, I am investigating setting up a sump tank, will have to go with the overflow boxes though; however as a temporary measure I am circulating the tanks with the pumps for about 5-6 hours a day ensuring I am in when the pumps are on :shout: this is driving me crazy :drool: Lavalamp.
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    Electricity Cut Of Device?

    Currently I have two juwel 240 systems with 2 pumps circulating the water between the tanks; I understand the risk of cross-contamination however are shareing ozone/uv and filtration. (In the very near future I am planning a sump tank with 2 overflow boxes and 2 return pumps containing all...
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    2 X Marine Tanks

    Does anybody know or have any good websites for setting up overflow boxes and how they work? Cheers, Lavalamp.
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    2 X Marine Tanks

    Hey callell, Sorry for not knowing but what is UR? Cheers, Lavalamp
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    2 X Marine Tanks

    basically I am running ozone and a vectron uv25 which will easily cope with 2 x 240 litre tanks; I have to eheim pumps currently that i have configured to pump water back and forth after 3 hours of running the levels are uneven :angry: I would be happy if i could get this to work on a day...
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    2 X Marine Tanks

    Has anyone ever had 2 marine tanks set up sharing the same water and filtration system?? If so how? :crazy: Regards, Lavalamp.
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    Electricity Cut Of Device?

    Almost like a auto top-up device but in reverse ;)
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    Electricity Cut Of Device?

    Hi all, Has anyone seen invented or bought a device which does the following; Basically monitors the water level when it drops below a certain leave it cuts the electricity supply to a device i.e. pump etc? Initial idea are some floating ball or something any advice or ideas would be greatly...
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    Safely Integrating Two Tangs {sf & Pbt}

    Many thanks for your advice guys, All has been take on bored! Cheers, Lavalamp. Anyone know any calculations of LR to water quantity?
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    Fieh Feeding

    Go for a morning and evening feed and keep it constant. Fish are greedy and will eat and eat until the literally commit a elvis presly suicide :hyper: Lavalamp
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    Salinity And Gravity Rising

    Have you just installed your heaters? Don't forget salinity increases as the tempreture increases! Lavalamp.
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    Safely Integrating Two Tangs {sf & Pbt}

    There is tang police everywhere!!! For all you tang police out there it it possible to intergrate two BABY tangs in a 240 litre aquarium; The perspex divide worked a treat! I got them feeding together of the mirrored clips and removed the perspex divide, I watched them all night with the...
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    Safely Integrating Two Tangs {sf & Pbt}

    Now I am really scared; I put the PBT in on Friday with the perspex divide; I have now found out the the Sailfin tang even though smaller is the agressor! He also camaflages himself on the rocks when the lights go out waiting to attack. The PBT has settled right in, darting around like I...
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    Safely Integrating Two Tangs {sf & Pbt}

    Many thanks for that vote of confidence lynden ;) Fingers crossed it will all go well, Does anyone know at what age/size tangs start to develop lethel tangs on the tail? Regards, Pete
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    Safely Integrating Two Tangs {sf & Pbt}

    Hi all, I am creating a tank divider using 3mm perspex Its for a jewel 240 FO system, I am introducing two tangs together (Sailfin {3" in tank for 3 months already} and a PBT { 2 1/2" from friend}, I know for you tang police that this system is far far too small, it is a tempory measure as I...
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    Diy Perspex Divider

    Hi all, I am creating a tank divider using 3mm perspex Its for a jewel 240 FO system, I am introducing two tangs together (Sailfin {3" in tank for 3 months already} and a PBT { 2 1/2" from friend}, I know for you tang police that this system is far far too small, it is a tempory measure as I...
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    Sulking Sailfin Tang (zebrasoma Veliferum)

    Hi Guys/Gals, Sorry for not stating the facts, FO System - I cycled the tank with the 3 chromis on advice of the pet shop, I wish I had used LR now but never mind; Jewel Rio 240 Temp: 25c Salinity: 1.024 Eheim Ecco canisteer filter Vecton UV25 Maxi Protein Skimmer All other standard Jewel kit...
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    Sulking Sailfin Tang (zebrasoma Veliferum)

    Hi, I have currently had a sailfin at around 2 1/2" bought him 2 weeks ago, however I cannot get it to stop sulking. All day it just darts around the bottom of the tank and returns to his fav rock. I changed the rocks around and he still sourced out the same rock. He is feeding from nori...